您只需在 2 月 22 日 00:00 UTC 和 2 月 28 日 23:59 UTC 时间内质押 BNB 或 FDUSD,即可在币安上获得 Portal (PORTAL) 代币。 这个机会将提供给用户。 质押的资金可以随时提取,即使您在挖矿期结束之前提取您的 PORTAL 代币奖励,您仍然可以保留它们。 根据币安的计划,Launchpool 上的用户将获得 PORTAL 代币总量的 5%。 从 10 亿枚代币总量来看,这相当于 PORTAL 去中心化平台的 5000 万枚代币。
Eighty percent of these incentives will be given to BNB stakers, while twenty percent of the rewards will be sent to the FDUSD pool. However, this does not always imply that you will earn more PORTAL if you bet BNB rather than FDUSD given the current market conditions. The answer to this question is entirely dependent on the quantity of your stake in comparison to the size of the staking pool that you have established. The Binance exchange will not only include Portal on its Launchpool platform, but it will also publish the PORTAL token for trade on its platform. PORTAL will be accessible in trading pairs against BTC, USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY when trading begins on February 29 at 10:00 UTC. When trading begins, it will be available for trading.I would like to bring to your attention the fact that Binance will be listing PORTAL with the "Seed Tag." This tag is used to identify cryptocurrency projects that are still in the very early stages of their development. The term "Innovation Zone" was originally used to refer to cryptocurrencies that were associated with this tag. When compared to the majority of other cryptocurrencies that are listed on the exchange, the Seed Tag is intended to alert customers to the possibility that the cryptocurrency in question is more potentially dangerous and volatile.A Portal (PORTAL) is what exactly?Portal is a gaming platform that supports several blockchains and intends to bring new gamers into the web3 gaming ecosystem. Portal comes with support for many blockchains. The purpose of this project is to simplify the user experience and eliminate the difficulties that are now preventing the widespread adoption of games that are powered by blockchain technology.Solana, Polygon, Avalanche, and Klaytn are just some of the prominent blockchain platforms that have been integrated with the Portal platform, which has announced its partnerships with these platforms.Players will be able to effortlessly locate and play all of the most engaging web3 games thanks to the discovery platform that Portal will offer. From what the Portal team has said, there are around two hundred games that are prepared to be integrated with Portal once the platform is released. Additionally, Portal will have its very own Launchpad platform, which will let web3 game applications to sell their tokens to holders of PORTAL tokens. A token with the same name as the Portal platform, which the team refers to as a universal game currency, is what makes the Portal platform possible. Because of this, it is useful for a wide variety of purposes. Other use cases, including as governance, staking, and payments for in-game objects, are included in this category. There is also the possibility of using the PORTAL token to acquire Portal nodes, which are responsible for providing power to the fundamental infrastructure of Portal while also receiving token incentives in exchange.Although the PORTAL token will first be launched on the Ethereum mainnet, it will eventually be spread to other blockchains. This expansion will take place in the future.When using Binance Launchpool, how can one get PORTAL tokens?
First and foremost, you will need to have a Binance account in order to achieve your goal of acquiring PORTAL coins.It is important to bear in mind that in order to engage in Portal token farming on Binance Launchpool, users must first ensure that they have successfully completed an identity verification procedure with Binance.
For you to be able to stake, you will need some BNB or FDUSD tokens once your account is complete. There is the possibility of adding some of these tokens to your Binance account if you already own them. Aside from that, Binance provides a multitude of options for purchasing these tokens using either cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Initial Launchpad for BinanceFollowing the verification of your account and the addition of some BNB or FDUSD, go to the menu located on the uppermost side of the Binance interface and pick the "More" option. After that, go to the "Launchpad & Launchpool" section.After that, locate the Portal farming pools that are accessible. Choose either the BNB Pool or the FDUSD Pool, depending on the tokens that you want to wager against the pool. Next, pay attention to the directions that are offered by the exchange.Platform for the Binance LaunchpoolIt is important to note that the following is a brief summary of the most important dates and information about the Portal Launchpool campaign:
Portal (PORTAL) Launchpool
Start DateFebruary 22 (00:00 UTC)
End DateFebruary 28 (23:59 UTC)
BNB Pool Rewards40,000,000 PORTAL
FDUSD Pool Rewards10,000,000 PORTAL
PORTAL Binance Listing DateFebruary 29 (10:00 UTC)