
Monak E-Services 在利雅得举办的金融科技世界杯区域决赛中获胜









11 家入围金融科技初创企业参加了由迪拜金融科技峰会与 Trescon 合作举办的第三届金融科技世界杯区域决赛,参加与沙特阿拉伯 DATE AI Show 同期举行的 DATE Fintech Show压轴戏并获得高达 100 万美元的资金。

2023 年 12 月 12 日,沙特阿拉伯利雅得:在备受期待的比稿竞赛中,Monak E-Services 在初创企业入围名单中脱颖而出,展示了沙特阿拉伯科技领域蓬勃发展的创新生态系统。

金融科技世界杯由迪拜金融科技峰会与 Trescon 合作举办,为金融科技企业家提供了一个平台,在 2024 年于迪拜举行的迪拜金融科技峰会上展示重塑行业的变革性创新。

Monak E-Services 是一家总部位于中东和北非的移民金融科技公司,通过合作网络为中东工人提供普惠金融和生活服务,在利雅得 DATE 金融科技展举办的地区决赛中取得胜利,标志着革命性的重大进步金融科技解决方案。

获奖后,Monak E-Services 合作伙伴主管 Mazen Mostafa Abdel Aziz 对这个非凡的平台表示感谢,并表示:“成为全球评审团和投资者相信我们社会使命的舞台的一部分对我们来说非常重要和愿景。”

活动期间,充满活力的思想交流和富有远见的见解凸显了沙特阿拉伯金融科技的发展和活力。领先的初创企业、全球科技影响者和远见卓识的人士在 DATE 上汇聚一堂,凸显了其在点燃沙特阿拉伯科技革命中的作用,以及推动该地区科技领域持续增长和创新的承诺。

该活动成为了富有远见的想法和突破性见解的熔炉,阐明了沙特阿拉伯金融科技领域的蓬勃发展。 DATE 汇聚了领先的初创企业、全球科技影响者和远见卓识,凸显了其在推动沙特阿拉伯科技革命方面的关键作用。它标志着对推动该地区科技领域持续增长和促进创新的坚定承诺。

Sharath Ravi, CMO of Trescon, said, ‘at Trescon we are committed to creating platforms that foster collaboration, growth, and development of key emerging technology ecosystems like AI and Fintech. Through events like DATE,  we also strive to support economic development in alignment with key government initiatives like the national agenda detailed in Saudi Vision 2030.  By incorporating events like the Fintech World Cup organized by Dubai Fintech Summit within DATE KSA, we bring some of the most exciting Fintech start-ups from Saudi Arabia and the MENA region to showcase their innovative offering to qualified global investors and gain invaluable market exposure.”

The second day of the DATE FinTech Show and DATE AI Show also boasted compelling keynote presentations and captivating panel discussions, aiming to drive deeper conversations about the adoption of these cutting-edge emerging tech solutions.

One such engaging session was the panel discussion on ‘ Digital Asset Regulation is Transcending: Creating a regulatory framework for the Digital Asset Ecosystem to thrive’. Moderated by Vineet Budki, Managing Partner & CEO, Cypher Capital, the panel highlighted the latest developments in the regulatory landscape. The panelists, including Ian Arden, CEO, of Mempool Ventures; Stefan Kimmel, CEO, M2; and Monica Brand Engel, CEO, of Quona Capital, shared key insights on investor protection, financial stability, and AML/CFT compliance

Another noteworthy session focused on ‘Empowerment Personified: Fintech’s Impact on Women-led Enterprises.’ Moderated by Nouf Hijazi, Business News Presenter at Al Arabiya, the panel deliberated on women’s advocacy for gender inclusivity in the tech ecosystem. The panelists, including Emon Shakoor, CEO of Blossom MENA; Sonia Shaw, Partner and vice President of Global Partnerships at CoinW; and Elina Idrisova, Regional Director at Elevatus, shared compelling views advocating empowerment in the fintech space to drive much-needed change.

The conclusion of this successful event sparks anticipation for the forthcoming edition set to take place in Indonesia on the 12th and 13th of June 2024, poised to equip businesses with state-of-the-art tech solutions, offering an exclusive glimpse into tomorrow’s innovation and technology.

Partners & Sponsors at DATE FinTech Show and DATE AI Show:

  • Lead Sponsor: Mastercard; ICT Cloud

  • Gold Sponsor: CoinW; Alnafitha IT; TORSECURE CYBER LLP

  • Silver Sponsors: Rednderpub; Snowflake; M2; Stock Gro; com

  • Strategic AI Sponsor: INEXA

  • Bronze Sponsors: BEINEX; DRUID; FourNXT; Smart Chain; Nomu group

  • Keynote Partner: GameIN

  • Exhibitor: Aventior; Triterras; Vault; ICS Financial Systems LTD; Masroofi

  • 初创参展商:

    Everest IMS;红色缓冲器;科技芒果;非法技术;信息丰富;光热发电解决方案;超级 AutoX;莫纳克;萨皮德蓝; SDK金融;贷款; GRC 360;赛龙;自动球体; A352;烛台; SDLC公司

  • 战略金融科技合作伙伴:


  • 协会合作伙伴:


  • 商业广播合作伙伴:

    CNBC 阿拉伯

  • 官方数字媒体合作伙伴:


  • 官方媒体合作伙伴:

    Al Bilad

  • 官方报纸合作伙伴:


  • 官方内容分发合作伙伴:

    ZEX PR Wire



Trescon 是全球商业活动和服务领域的先锋力量,推动新兴技术的采用,同时促进可持续发展和包容性领导力。

我们的峰会、博览会和会议通过连接和增强政府组织、监管机构、企业、企业等的关键生态系统来创造真正的经济影响。在我们遍布 6 个国家/地区的办事处 250 多名员工的帮助下,我们的一些客户的销售线索增加了四倍,销售周期缩短了一半或更少,进入市场的速度提高了三倍,在难以想象的时间内完成了交易,并最终发展了他们的业务。有关 Trescon 的更多信息,请访问:www.tresconglobal.com。



公共关系总监合作伙伴 – 中东和北非


+971 55 498 4989

Monak E-Services 在利雅得举行的金融科技世界杯区域决赛中获胜的消息首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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