Web3-AI 领域是加密货币领域最热门的领域之一,前景广阔,炒作也十分激烈。指出许多 Web3-AI 项目市值达数十亿美元,但没有实际用例,纯粹由传统 AI 市场的代理叙事驱动,这几乎让人感觉有些离经叛道。与此同时,Web2 和 Web3 之间的 AI 能力差距继续令人担忧地扩大。然而,Web3-AI 并非全是炒作。生成式 AI 市场的最新发展凸显了更去中心化方法的价值主张。
考虑到所有这些因素,我们发现自己处在一个被过度炒作和资金过剩的市场中,这个市场与生成式人工智能行业的现状脱节,但却能够为下一波生成式人工智能释放巨大的价值。感到困惑是可以理解的。如果我们从炒作中抽身,通过当前需求的视角来分析 Web3-AI 领域,就会发现 Web3 可以提供巨大价值的明确领域。但这需要突破密集的现实扭曲场。
Web3-AI 现实扭曲
谈到人工智能,我们认为 Web3 所创造的价值与人工智能市场的需求之间的差距越来越大。令人担忧的现实是,Web2 和 Web3 人工智能之间的差距正在扩大而不是缩小,这主要由三个关键因素驱动:
从事 Web3 工作的 AI 研究人员数量仅为个位数。对于那些声称 Web3 是 AI 未来的人来说,这并不令人鼓舞。
我们尚未设法让 Web 应用与 Web3 后端正常协作,因此至少可以说,考虑 AI 是一种延伸。Web3 基础设施施加了计算限制,这对于生成式 AI 解决方案的生命周期而言是不切实际的。
生成式人工智能依赖于三件事:模型、数据和计算。所有大型前沿模型均不具备在 Web3 基础设施上运行的能力;没有大型训练数据集的基础;Web3 GPU 集群与预训练和微调基础模型所需的集群之间存在巨大的质量差距。
现实情况是,Web3 一直在构建“穷人版”人工智能,本质上是试图匹配 Web2 人工智能的能力,但却创建了低劣的版本。这一现实与人工智能多个领域去中心化的巨大价值主张形成了鲜明对比。
To avoid making this analysis as an abstract thesis, let’s dive into different decentralized AI trends and evaluate them against their AI market potential.
Read more: Jesus Rodriguez - Funding Open-Source Generative AI With Crypto
The reality distortion in Web3-AI has led the initial wave of innovation and funding to focus on projects whose value propositions seem disconnected from the realities of the AI market. At the same time, there are other emerging areas in Web3-AI that hold tremendous potential.
Some Overhyped Web3-AI Trends
Decentralized GPU Infrastructure for Training and Fine-Tuning
In the last few years, we have seen an explosion of decentralized GPU infrastructures with the promise of democratizing the pretraining and fine-tuning of foundation models. The idea is to enable an alternative to the GPU monopolization established by incumbent AI labs. The reality is that the pretraining and fine-tuning of large foundation models require large GPU clusters with super-fast communication buses connecting them. A pretraining cycle of a 50B-100B foundation model in a decentralized AI infrastructure could take over a year, if it works at all.
ZK-AI Frameworks
The idea of combining zero-knowledge (zk) computations and AI has sparked interesting concepts to enable privacy mechanisms in foundation models. Given the prominence of zk infrastructure in Web3, several frameworks promise to embed zk computation in foundation models. Although theoretically appealing, zk-AI models quickly encounter the challenge of being prohibitively expensive from a computational standpoint when applied to large models. Additionally, zk will limit aspects such as interpretability, which is one of the most promising areas in generative AI.
Crypto is about cryptographic proofs, and sometimes these are attached to things that don’t need them. In the Web3-AI space, we see examples of frameworks issuing cryptographic proofs of specific model outputs. The challenges with these scenarios are not technological but market-related. Basically, proof-of-inference is somewhat of a solution looking for a problem and lacks any real use cases today.
Some High Potential Web3-AI Trends
Agents with Wallets
Agentic workflows are one of the most interesting trends in generative AI and hold significant potential for crypto. By agents, we are referring to AI programs that can not only passively answer questions based on inputs, but also execute actions against a given environment. While most autonomous agents are created for isolated use cases, we are seeing the rapid emergence of multi-agent environments and collaboration.
This is an area where crypto can unlock tremendous value. For instance, imagine a scenario where an agent needs to hire other agents to complete a task or stake some value to vouch for the quality of its outputs. Provisioning agents with financial primitives in the form of crypto rails unlocks many use cases for agentic collaboration.
Crypto Funding for AI
去年,微软在发布 Phi 模型后创造了“小型语言模型 (SLM)”这一术语。Phi 模型的参数少于 20 亿,但在计算机科学和数学任务中的表现却远超规模大得多的 LLM。小型基础模型(例如 10-50 亿个参数)是实现去中心化 AI 的关键要求,并为设备端 AI 开启了广阔的应用场景。如今,将数千亿个参数的模型去中心化几乎是不可能的,而且这种情况还将持续一段时间。但是,小型基础模型应该能够在当今的许多 Web3 基础设施上运行。推动 SLM 议程对于利用 Web3 和 AI 创造真正的价值至关重要。
其他相关的 Web3-AI 趋势
还有其他几种有趣的 Web3-AI 趋势具有巨大的潜力。鉴于 AI 生成内容的挑战,人类输出证明变得越来越重要。评估和基准测试是 Web3 的信任和透明度功能可以大放异彩的 AI 领域。以人为本的微调,例如带有人类反馈的强化学习 (RLHF),也是 Web3 网络的一个有趣场景。随着生成 AI 的不断发展和 Web3-AI 功能的成熟,其他场景可能会出现。
对更多去中心化 AI 能力的需求非常现实。虽然 Web3 行业可能还无法与 AI 超级模型创造的价值相媲美,但它可以为生成式 AI 领域释放真正的价值。Web3-AI 发展的最大挑战可能是克服其自身的现实扭曲场。Web3-AI 具有很多价值;我们只需专注于构建真实的东西。
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