
比特币角色:Coinbits 如何打造用户体验








<a title='注册并实名送比特币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/okex.php' target='_blank' class='f_a'>比特币</a>角色COINBITS如何打造用户体验


在 Coinbits,我们致力于改善比特币的用户体验,以便更多人能够从中受益。我们一直致力于提高透明度和社区参与度,最近我们公开了我们的产品路线图。现在,我们很高兴与大家分享另一款工作产品,它是比特币之夏项目的一部分:比特币人物角色。


Coinbits 是一家家族经营的比特币专用交易所。我们是一家小型初创公司,但有一个宏伟的愿景——打造首个无缝结合比特币和法定金融服务的 #HybridBanking 平台。





  • 他们试图做到广泛而包容,而不是具体而排他。

  • 它们并没有讲述一个以人物为中心的故事;它们看起来不像是真实的人。

  • 他们在多余的细节上花了很多功夫。

  • 它们太多了,因此在产品开发过程中很难记住。




Ideally, to run a persona project, a UX owner plays the role of servant leader of a qualitative research project. He or she guides conversations among engineers and users – and then immortalizes the work in a deliverable that is rich in detail and easily surfaced later. In this way, personas serve the purpose of keeping research insights alive for as long as possible.


Our product is currently only available to U.S.-based customers, so our research findings should be interpreted as being specific to the United States. We conducted user interviews to gather qualitative data during video chat sessions. Video allowed us to see participants’ faces, body language, clothes, and physical environment.

We facilitated the conversation by asking open-ended questions that would prompt participants to tell stories about their personal lives. Although we steered the conversation back to bitcoin when it deviated too far, we also allowed for free-flowing conversation about sound money, economics, work, spirituality, values, and more.

We interviewed each of 22 users for one hour. On our side, there were 2 to 4 people in attendance and they were free to participate in the conversation.

Here’s a sample of the question prompts we used to move the conversation forward:

  • How did you hear about us? When did you join us?

  • Why do you buy bitcoin? How do you use it? What have you used it for?

  • What are your financial goals looking 5, 10, 20 years ahead?

  • What do you think will happen with bitcoin? How will it evolve and affect the world?

  • How do you get bitcoin? What apps do you use to buy and manage your bitcoin?

  • Are there other bitcoiners in your social circle? What kinds of people? What are the key topics you use to introduce bitcoin? What resources do you use? Why?

  • If you had a magic tool that made bitcoin better / more useful / easier, what would it do?

  • What’s one thing we can do for you?

The Personas

Four personas were created to represent cross sections of our users.

Each persona includes these elements:

  • An AI-generated medium-shot.

  • Demographics and personality descriptors

  • Narrative: Introduction, Motivations, Goals, and Jobs to be Done

  • Favorite brands: Short-form content, long-form content, automotive, financial, clothing, and lifestyle.

Here are some guidelines we followed:

  • Combine details from multiple user interviews rather than drawing generalizations from those interviews.

  • Keep content authentic and based on real encounters with users. We did not impose artificial diversity requirements, and we did not make an effort to find specific types of users we wish we had, or thought we should have.

  • Tell stories that make the users memorable and likable. We should want to hang out with these (fictional) people – we should think they’re at least moderately cool. If your personas aren’t likable, how hard are you really going to work to build products for them?

  • Keep the number of personas low, so that we will be able to remember them easily.

  • 坚持使用 MVP。作为 UX 从业者,我们热爱设计和讲故事,因此很容易沉迷于过度设计的交付物。相反,你应该发布一份足够好的角色文档,然后去构建一些软件。







关心比特币的人正站在创造真正用户友好体验的门槛上。Apple Pay 的新功能 Tap to Cash 是改善数字支付用户体验的主流例子。这表明我们可能正在进入支付用户体验飞跃发展的时期。比特币当然可以在这里发挥作用——作为专注于比特币的用户体验从业者,我们完全有能力产生影响。如果分享这项工作能激励某人为使比特币更加用户友好的重要项目做出贡献,我们将非常高兴。

想要参与吗?查看 Coinbits App。我们很自豪地在产品设计上投入了大量的时间和精力,我们很乐意听听您的想法。如果您对这个领域感兴趣,可以考虑加入比特币设计基金会的社区。

通过在 CC BY-NC 4.0 许可下提供这些研究成果,我们旨在为比特币变得更加用户友好做出一点贡献。

该项目包括 Tiffany Lee、Rachouan Rejeb 和 David Waugh 的贡献。

这是 Dave Birnbaum 的客座文章。表达的观点完全是他们自己的观点,并不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin Magazine 的观点。


文章《比特币人物:Coinbits 如何打造用户体验》首先出现在 Crypto Breaking News 上。

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