因此,区块链游戏是各种先进技术与加密或 NFT 奖励的无缝融合,并提供游戏内数字资产的完全所有权。
这些游戏通常被称为加密、NFT 或 Web3 游戏,具体取决于游戏生态系统中闪耀的特定元素。
去中心化 是第一个方面,因为它们建立在被称为 DAO 的去中心化自治组织之上,而传统游戏则依赖单一实体、公司或品牌。
互操作性 是区块链游戏不受网络限制而相互交互的功能,从而扩大其含义和优势。
最后, 游戏内所有权 和 P2E 奖励使区块链游戏世界得以运转。根据盈利机制,用户可以通过这些游戏解锁新的盈利机会。
例如, 游戏通过鼓励玩家玩更多游戏并完成挑战和任务来赚取加密货币,从而将其奖励置于风险之中。
但这只是一个例子,因为有些 M2E 游戏完全依赖于体力,甚至免费游戏通常会导致区块链和 Web3 游戏也针对所有 Web2 玩家,但不使用加密货币。
是一款采用全方位服务所有玩家的区块链游戏,无论玩家是否是加密货币交易者。鉴于其 meme-tamagotchi 的感觉和触感,很难不玩它。
在讨论时 游戏,我们必须审视整个生态系统,因为它的不同构建方式可能会带来不同的好处或陷阱。
For example, many games only use their native token to incentivize their players, yet over time, the value of it will mean nothing. In contrast, if the architecture of the ecosystem is built to be sustainable, the results will be just like a snowball effect.
The longer the players are engaged, the more they earn rewards and further invest in the game's economy, and the more sustainable the blockchain game ecosystem becomes.
But let's see the stepping stones of a blockchain game ecosystem.
As discussed, any blockchain game should have earning mechanics that keep the ball rolling. The game concept, story, characters, and other details are developed depending on the chosen earning mechanism.
The following vital aspect of any blockchain ecosystem is tokenomics, which must be developed and distributed across multiple sections of the entire game development and product roadmap.
Most of the time, tokenomics should allocate cryptos for staking, liquidity, in-game rewards, presale allocation, VP collaborations, and marketing and development teams.
A common practice of these blockchain games is to clearly communicate the established tokenomics to ensure players' trust and to set up the presales tiers to allow investors, players, and other potential traders to get a grip of the game's native token.
A blockchain game's beauty lies within its accessibility, from l
ow barrier entry to the device's operating system besides the device type.
As such, if the game can be played on multiple screens and has an engaging story, it is the recipe for a successful game that keeps players hooked.
There's also the strong community, which should always be a priority for any crypto, blockchain, or Web3 projects, as it cannot survive without it.
Moreover, as the community can make or break any blockchain game, it is essential to genuinely and authentically address them, care for their pain points, and ensure that the game's beta testing is going well.
It's no wonder that in 2024, we live in a cancel culture; thus, catering to a strong and united community could be the key to a successful blockchain gaming project.
Choosing a potentially successful game is directly tied to the factors discussed. Look at its tokenomics, initial selling price, and market cap—is there room for growth?
You could also analyze the whitepaper and discuss it in detail: who developed the game, and what opportunities does the product roadmap present? What blockchain was it built on, and what is its health?
Does it offer multiple layers of security measurements? Are the in-game rewards safe besides players' protection?
We know there are many questions here, but if you don't ask yourself these, any scammer will do it for you, and they could also benefit from these security breaches.