
[伯特]独家:Metaplane 净赚 1300 万美元用于利用人工智能检测数据异常








今天,总部位于波士顿的 Metaplane 是一家致力于改善和纠正企业数据质量问题的初创公司,宣布已在 A 轮融资中筹集了 1380 万美元。

风险投资公司 Felicis 领投,Khosla Ventures、Flybridge、Y Combinator、Stage 2 Capital、B37 和 SNR 跟投。

Metaplane 表示,计划利用本轮融资进一步开发其人工智能驱动的数据可观测平台,并成为“无可争议的最强大、可配置和神奇的信任数据解决方案”。

该公司由麻省理工学院毕业生 Kevin Hu、前 HubSpot 工程师 Peter Casinelli 和前 Appcues 开发人员 Guru Mahendran 创立,正在快速发展的数据可观测性领域与 Monte Carlo、Observe 和 Acceldata 等资金雄厚的参与者展开竞争。

去年,该公司的客户群增长了三倍,并已与 Bose、Sigma、Klaviyo 和 ClickUp 等品牌合作。






Metaplane 将人工智能应用于这个问题,据称这使企业能够主动监视其数据生态系统不同层的数据事件。

“我们集成了尽可能多的数据堆栈,无论是 Fivetran 等摄取工具、Snowflake 和 BigQuery 等云数据仓库、dbt 和 Airflow 等转换和编排层、Census 和 Hightouch 等反向 ETL 工具,以及 Sigma 等 BI 工具、Tableau 和 Looker。

我们更进一步,成为唯一与 Postgres 和 MySQL 等事务数据库集成的数据可观察性产品,并捕获 Github 中 dbt Pull 请求中的问题。”Hu 于 2019 年从 MIT 的一个项目创办了这家公司,他告诉 VentureBeat。



整个过程大约需要 15 分钟,随后产品开始与 AI 配合使用。

As Hu explained, the system’s machine learning (ML) model trains on the data profile, using historical metadata, and then starts flagging data anomalies (even schema changes) within a day or two. The whole thing is fully automated, with alerts going directly to concerned data teams on the preferred destination for alerts.

“We use the most historical data to train our models, ensuring that we can capture seasonality and avoid repetitive alerts. Every business is unique and simply applying a one-size-fits-all model to each customer introduces a lot of inaccuracy. Unlike other monitoring tools, we also make it easy for users to tweak models to ignore one-offs or learn new trends to account for seasonal patterns and factors specific to their industry. Customers go with us because we catch issues that others can’t while keeping the noise to a minimum,” Hu explained.

Notably, in addition to monitoring metrics like freshness and volume of data, Metaplane can also go deeper to detect data problems that are very domain-specific with finer-grain controls, including monitoring for changes in data usage and cloud warehouse spend. Plus, the coverage of the data stack allows the platform to create a complete picture of column-level lineage from data source to destination and provide context on the downstream impact of issues as well as upstream root causes.

80,000 data quality incidents resolved

While Metaplane is not as heavily funded as its competitors Observe, Acceldata and Monte Carlo, the company has been doing pretty well in the data observability space. In 2023, its ARR grew six-fold while the customer base grew three-fold to over 100 enterprises – with known names like Klaviyo, Bose, ClickUp, Sigma, Census, GoFundMe and Ramp coming on board.

As of January 2024, the company said, these customers had run 500 million data quality checks on over 40 million data assets and over 30 million data lineage connections, detecting and resolving as many as 80,000 incidents.

“We believe that all companies should be able to trust their data, and so we enable teams to sign up and use it for free. As a result, we’ve benefited greatly from organic growth and more users have used Metaplane than any other data observability tool,” the founder emphasized.

In addition to the self-serve approach to adoption, Hu claimed that the platform’s ability to detect important issues while keeping noise to the minimum and give a complete view of the data stack makes it better than all other observability tools out there.





我们最近宣布与两个领先的反向 ETL 平台 Census 和 Hightouch 进​​行集成,并且很快还会发布更多公告。”Hu 补充道。




我们将把这一点与我们监控的内容的广泛扩展相结合,添加更深入的指标和更广泛的指标,以观察数据堆栈中的所有内容,以便我们的客户始终拥有必要的上下文来查找和解决数据质量问题,”Hu 指出。

热点:数据 人工智能 伯特 用于

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