
[涡流]为什么 OpenAI 构建 AGI 的非营利使命再次受到攻击?人工智能节拍








在埃隆·马斯克上周针对 OpenAI、其首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼和总裁格雷格·布罗克曼提起的新诉讼中,“非营利”一词出现了 17 次。

“Board” 出现了 62 次之多。


66 次。

该诉讼的指控包括违反合同、违反信托义务和不公平竞争,都围绕这样一个想法:OpenAI 将开发通用人工智能 (AGI) 的利润和商业利益置于其非营利部门的职责之上(根据其非营利委员会的领导)以保护公共利益。

当然,这个问题在 OpenAI 董事会于 2023 年 11 月 17 日突然解雇 Sam Altman 后引发了爆炸,随后遭到了包括微软在内的投资者和数百名 OpenAI 员工的大规模反击,他们发布了心形表情符号,表明他们站在 Altman 一边。

Altman 很快就被复职,而几位 OpenAI 董事会成员则被解雇。

很多人指出,马斯克作为 OpenAI 联合创始人,现在又凭借自己的初创公司 X.ai 与该公司竞争,很难说是一个客观的一方。



人工智能影响之旅 – 纽约

我们将于 2 月 29 日在纽约与微软合作,讨论如何平衡人工智能应用的风险和回报。



OpenAI 不同寻常的非营利结构再次陷入困境

好吧,这一切都回到了 OpenAI 的开始,马斯克的诉讼比我们之前看到的更详细:2015 年,马斯克、奥特曼和布罗克曼联手组建了一个非营利性人工智能实验室,试图赶上谷歌在 AGI 的竞赛中——开发它“是为了人类的利益,而不是为了一家寻求股东利润最大化的营利性公司”。

但诉讼称,到了 2023 年,Altman、Brockman 和 OpenAI “点燃了《创始协议》”——“公然违反”,例如违反非营利组织董事会的信托义务和违反合同,包括 Altman 被解雇后几天内发生的事情。 2023 年 11 月 17 日,非营利组织董事会成立,随后恢复。

Much of the controversy winds back to the fact that Open AI isn’t just any old nonprofit. In fact, I reported on OpenAI’s unusual and complex nonprofit/capped profit structure just a few days before Altman’s firing.

In that piece, I pointed to the “Our structure” page on OpenAI’s website that says OpenAI’s for-profit subsidiary is “fully controlled” by the OpenAI nonprofit. While the for-profit subsidiary is “permitted to make and distribute profit,” it is subject to the nonprofit’s mission.

Elon Musk’s lawsuit, however, shed even more light on the confusing alphabet soup of companies that are parties in the case. While OpenAI, Inc. is the nonprofit, OpenAI, LP; OpenAI LLC; OpenAI GP, LLC; OpenAI Opco, LLC; OpenAI Global, LLC; OAI Corporation, LLC and OpenAI Holdings, LLC, all appear to be for-profit subsidiaries.

Microsoft is now a non-voting member of OpenAI’s nonprofit board

As I wrote in November, according to OpenAI, the members of its nonprofit board of directors will determine when the company has “attained AGI” — which it defines as “a highly autonomous system that outperforms humans at most economically valuable work.” Thanks to the for-profit arm that is “legally bound to pursue the Nonprofit’s mission,” once the board decides AGI, or artificial general intelligence, has been reached, such a system will be “excluded from IP licenses and other commercial terms with Microsoft, which only apply to pre-AGI technology.”

But as the very definition of AGI is far from agreed-upon, what does it mean to have a half-dozen people deciding on whether or not AGI has been reached? what does the timing and context of that possible future decision mean for its biggest investor, Microsoft — that is now a non-voting member of the nonprofit board? Isn’t that a massive conflict of interest?

Musk certainly seems to think so. The lawsuit says: “Mr. Altman and Mr. Brockman, in concert with Microsoft, exploited Microsoft’s significant leverage over OpenAI, Inc. and forced the resignation of a majority of OpenAI, Inc.’s Board members, including Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever. Mr. Altman was reinstated as CEO of OpenAI, Inc. on November 21. On information and belief, the new Board members were hand-picked by Mr. Altman and blessed by Microsoft. The new Board members lack substantial AI expertise and, on information and belief, are ill equipped by design to make an independent determination of whether and when OpenAI has attained AGI—and hence when it has developed an algorithm that is outside the scope of Microsoft’s license.”

Others have pushed back on OpenAI’s nonprofit status

马斯克并不是第一个反对 OpenAI 非营利地位的人。

“我认为马斯克在申诉中讲述的故事证实并加深了我们在加州提出的案件,”非营利消费者权益倡导组织 Public Citizen 的总裁罗伯特·韦斯曼 (Robert Weissman) 说,该组织于 1 月 9 日写了一封信,要求加州检察官一般调查 OpenAI 的非营利状况。

这封信引发了人们的担忧,即 OpenAI“可能未能实现其非营利目的,而是在其营利性子公司的有效控制下行事。”

与我交谈过的法律专家表示,马斯克在这方面有很强的观点:华盛顿特区 CipherLaw 的律师兼首席技术专家詹姆斯·德纳罗 (James Denaro) 告诉我,马斯克确实提出了强有力的政策论点,即如果一家公司能够以非营利组织为公共利益而工作,收集税前捐款,然后将知识产权转让给营利性企业,这对科技公司来说将是一个“高度成问题的范式转变”。

凯斯西储大学法学院副教授阿纳特·阿隆贝克 (Anat Alon-Beck) 补充道,马斯克的诉讼并不令人意外,因为非营利组织与盈利组织之间的结构性问题一直困扰着 OpenAI。通过观察科技公司的董事会成员来进行治理”。

该论文称,“直到 2023 年 11 月,在 OpenAI 董事会会议室发生戏剧性事件后,带来 ChatGPT 的企业实体 OpenAI 给了微软一个董事会观察员席位,主流媒体才开始更加关注董事会观察员的概念。” 。

但主流媒体在报道董事会观察员概念时没有探讨的是,它作为无投票权的董事会成员的性质似乎不太有趣,而这是 OpenAI 和微软之间复杂关系中的一个重要因素。

这标志着两家公司之间关系的加深,最终也引起了美国司法部和联邦贸易委员会的关注,以及 CVC(企业风险投资)在资助和管理 OpenAI 研发方面的影响力作用。”

“这场诉讼是由于 OpenAI 的结构而引起的,”她说,并补充说 OpenAI 应该感到担心。

“你应该总是担心,因为当你选择像 OpenAI 这样奇怪的结构时,就会存在不确定性,”她说。






热点:AGI 人工智能 攻击 涡流

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