Starknet 基金会的 7 亿个 STRK 代币空投现已完全生效,第一轮“规定”于美国东部时间周二上午 7:00 开始领取。
自上周宣布以来,Starknet 一直在处理各种激烈的投诉,从资格到反女巫措施,再到有关 STRK 基础代币经济的决定。
昨天宣布的“DeFi Spring”计划以及新的纠正措施旨在解决一些批评者的担忧。
根据 Starknet 基金会的数据,前 5 分钟内就有约 500 万个代币被认领,STRK 的交易价格短暂超过 3 美元,比发布前的期货市场价格上涨约 50%,这使其处于完全摊薄估值 (FDV)约300亿美元。此后价格又回到了 2.01 美元——这仍然使它的 FDV 高于 Arbitrum。
Starknet 在 X 上写道,截至美国东部时间上午 11:30,已有超过 100,000 个个人钱包领取了代币。
并非所有生态系统参与者都对上周展开的社区分配感到满意,一些团体认为他们被不公平地排除在外。 Starknet 基金会董事会成员兼 StarkWare 联合创始人 Eli Ben-Sasson 表示,他的团队“意识到一些可能需要修复的小问题”。
Ben-Sasson 告诉 Blockworks:“当你尝试分发到 130 万个地址时,这将是一个挑战,我们是一支技术能力非常强的团队,我们最有兴趣的是把它做好。” “那些应该在周二之前解决和无法解决的问题——我们将尽力在稍后尝试解决它们。”
这次空投在奖励以太坊质押者方面是新颖的。但技术失误似乎已将 STRK 代币指定给这些权益持有者的子集(Rocketpool 迷你矿池运营商)到智能合约地址,而不是用户自己的钱包。
Starknet 正在进行调查,并承诺在未来的代币发行中纠正无意的错误分配。
该基金会在周二发给 Blockworks 的一份声明中表示:“我们注意到一些热心社区成员和网络用户认为他们因某些条款标准而被忽视的反馈,我们正在积极努力解决这些问题。”
一位运行着 1,000 多个验证者的富有的独立质押者对中心化交易所感到困惑——这是 Starknet 合作伙伴 Rated.Network 纠正的几起事件之一,该公司跟踪基金会的质押活动。
GitHub 和 Starknet 活动:太多还是太少?
Starknet 采取了不同寻常的举措,根据 GitHub 的活动奖励加密货币行业内外的开发人员。
这促使至少一名开发人员因修复存储库中的一个拼写错误而获得 1,800 STRK 分配。
Others initially missed out due to having abandoned their GitHub username, but Starknet said they are reserving 1 million STRK for this group of 1,900 developers.
Another common criticism was the somewhat arbitrary requirement that Starknet accounts hold 0.005 ETH at the time of the November 2023 snapshot. Since most transactions cost only a small fraction of that — one of the selling points of Starknet is cheap transactions — many users who met activity requirements otherwise still received 0 STRK.
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While not addressing the specific cause Starknet did target Ekubo users among its “DeFi Spring” follow-up campaign.
The term “Sybil attack” in the crypto-airdrop context originates from the 1973 book “Sybil,” by Flora Rheta Schreiber, which tells the story of a woman diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder.
It’s applied to a person who attempts to exploit an airdrop by creating multiple fake identities or wallets to gain a disproportionate advantage. The term pre-dates crypto, coined by Brian Zill while at Microsoft in 2002.
Complaints from users who failed to qualify could be viewed as a successful effort to screen for real activity. But clearly these measures are imperfect, as one prominent airdrop hunter bragged that 179 out of 213 of their wallets received between 650 and 850 STRK each.
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The schedule for team and investor unlocks and vesting is among the more strident critiques of Starknet’s token strategy. It’s also one that may be harder to shake.
Most efforts to decentralize crypto networks via a utility or governance token involve a programmed vesting schedule designed to prevent insiders from quickly selling their token allocations.
In Starknet’s case, the STRK token was technically created in November 2022, but remained non-transferable until today. The team and investor allocations initially carried a 1-year cliff, but when the token distribution plan was not yet ready as November 2023 approached, the cliff was extended to April 15, 2024.
Read more:Starknet Foundation teases STRK token airdrop
The 4-year vesting schedule remained unaffected, however, meaning that a sizable portion of the total supply will be circulating in less than two months, Ben-Sasson said.
“After one year, it would have been one quarter, after one year and a few months — which is the current situation — closer to one third of the amount locked there,” he said.
Only the cliff was a configurable parameter in an otherwise non-upgradeable Ethereum smart contract, and the team chose April although a maximum of a year’s delay was possible.
That doesn’t sit well with some observers who consider it an unusual system that disproportionately benefits insiders.
Aleo co-founder Alex Pruden, who has been a vocal critic of Starknet’s tokenomics for years, once again pointed to this policy as a red flag following last week’s announcement.
他与 OP Labs 和 Offchain Labs 的 Optimistic Rollup 开发团队的代币归属方式形成了鲜明的对比。
普鲁登说:“团队必须等待两年才能看到他们正在构建的这个网络的任何价值,因此他们会齐心协力继续建设它,他们会齐心协力朝着去中心化的方向前进。” 。 “而 StarkWare 在这里,很大一部分价值将为他们释放。”
StarkWare 回应称,“与建筑技术及其周边相关的所有事物一样,针对出现的每个问题都考虑了多种选择。区块链是一个新兴领域,其‘规范’在不断变化。”
许多批评者暗示代币解锁时间表在某种程度上被混淆了,并将 2022 年 11 月的代币生成事件 (TGE) 称为“秘密”。
但 StarkWare 强调,它一直对其计划持开放态度。
Ben-Sasson 表示:“最重要的是完全透明,这是读者和公众所收到的。”他指出,即使悬崖被推迟到最大,市场上的代币总量2024 年 11 月也是如此。 “我认为人们会将这一点与我们正在做的所有其他创新工作一起考虑在内。”
他否认代币解锁可能会引起 StarkWare 关注点的质疑。
“就眼睛所见,StarkWare 至少 150 名员工将做一件在有效性汇总领域持续开拓的事情——这几乎是我们发明的,从数学到技术,再到首先将其用于以太坊,”他说。
STRK 索赔过程本身似乎进展顺利,本-萨森渴望结束这一阶段。
“我们很高兴‘规定’正在发生,但天哪,我希望[它]落后,这样我们就可以回去只讨论技术及其对经济和社会的社会影响,”他说。 “当我每天上班时,让我充满热情的是数学突破、工程突破、开发突破,这些突破每周都在这儿展开。”