购买比特币的一种流行方法是使用信用卡。 使用信用卡购买比特币(BTC)是最快的方法之一。
然而,使用信用卡购买比特币通常需要支付额外费用,并且首次在加密货币交易所注册时需要完成“了解你的客户”(KYC) 检查。
在主要交易所通过信用卡购买比特币几乎是即时的。 它可以在移动设备上轻松执行,使买家和交易者能够快速利用市场走势。 相比之下,银行账户转账可能需要几天的时间才能处理,届时市场和比特币价格可能已经发生变化。
通常,接受信用卡的加密货币交易所受到监管,并且会使用高级别的加密技术。 这些交易所将需要进行 KYC 和反洗钱 (AML) 检查,以确保安全性和合规性。 尽管这些检查并没有吸引许多加密货币买家,但加密货币领域的一些隐私倡导者可能不愿意提供大量的个人信息。
对于已经熟悉使用信用卡进行在线交易的新加密货币投资者来说,使用信用卡购买比特币是一种适合初学者的选择。 如果出现问题,信用卡公司可能会提供一些保护。
需要注意的是,根据具体情况,可能没有保护。 如果买家没有收到比特币,加密货币交易所发生欺诈性交易,信用卡公司可能会调查该交易并考虑退款,但无法保证。
美元成本平均 (DCA) 比特币投资策略涉及在设定的时间间隔内以固定金额购买 BTC。 与更长的银行转账相比,在加密货币交易所保存信用卡用于付款可能会使定期执行此策略变得简单。
However, using a credit card for a DCA strategy can have drawbacks. High transaction fees and potential interest charges on unpaid balances can erode investment returns.
Credit card spending limits may also restrict investment amounts, and not all exchanges support credit card withdrawals, complicating the reinvestment or withdrawal process. These factors can significantly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a DCA strategy when using credit cards.
What are the drawbacks of buying Bitcoin with a credit card?
Fees for credit card purchases
Buying Bitcoin with a credit card can be the most expensive method. Coinbase, for example, charges a 3.99% fee for credit card payments. Binance charges around 2%. Other fees to pay on an exchange include transaction or spread fees. These fees will vary from exchange to exchange.
Additionally, crypto buyers must also be aware of the fees their credit card charges. Using a credit card to buy Bitcoin may incur cash advance fees (charges for cash withdrawals using a credit card), and cash advances can incur interest from day one.
Of course, if a credit card balance is not paid off within the card’s timeframe, the balance will incur interest charges. Depending on the location of the buyer and the exchange, using a credit card to buy Bitcoin may incur foreign transaction fees.
Choice of cryptocurrency exchanges
Not all cryptocurrency exchanges accept credit cards to buy BTC and other cryptocurrencies, so this might limit a buyer’s choice.
Data security
Major exchanges usually implement stringent cybersecurity practices to protect user data, but some exchanges don’t have such standards and can be less legitimate. Hacks, cyberattacks and sketchy exchanges all expose customer and credit card data to illicit actors.
Credit score and finances
One’s credit score may be badly impacted by high credit card utilization. High credit balances can damage credit scores, and there are further significant risks if a cardholder does not pay off a balance or monthly payments and otherwise falls behind with credit card bills or other personal finances.
How to buy Bitcoin with a credit card
To understand how to purchase Bitcoin with a credit card, let’s use Binance exchange as an example. Please note that the steps involved in other exchanges will differ slightly depending on its user interface.
Step 1: Create and log in to the exchange.
Step 2: Navigate to the option to buy cryptocurrency.
Step 3: Select the card and fiat currency being used to fund the purchase and Bitcoin as the cryptocurrency to buy.
Step 4: Enter the fiat currency amount being spent. The amount of BTC in exchange for this amount should be auto-completed on the page. Prices can change during the time it takes to complete a transaction.
Step 5: The new credit card can be added using the “add new card” option for the fiat payment. The associated card address, expiry date and CVV code must be completed.
第 6 步:信用卡用户将被重定向到其卡提供商的一次性密码交易页面,并且必须按照说明确认付款。
除了信用卡购买之外,还有其他方式购买比特币。 一种流行的选择是通过加密货币交易所购买比特币,客户可以使用 PayPal、银行转账甚至现金存款等各种支付方式。
点对点网络通过提供一系列支付选项(包括面对面现金交易)来促进个人对个人的交易。 使用现金或借记卡购买比特币的另一个直接选择是通过比特币 ATM。 此外,某些服务允许用户通过预付卡或移动支付应用程序购买比特币。
此外,加密货币经纪公司还可以进行比特币购买的电汇或自动清算所转账。 去中心化交易所为重视隐私的个人提供了一个没有中介的点对点交易环境。
尽管每种方法都有其优点和缺点,但它们都提供了在传统信用卡交易之外获取比特币的方法。 了解每个选项使用户能够选择最适合其要求和品味的选项。