币安币兑美元今日上涨 3.50%
币安币目前的交易价格比我们 2024 年 2 月 13 日的预测低 8.06%
币安币上个月上涨 3.92%,较一年前下跌 -6.51%
币安币价格 $ 311.70 币安币预测 $ 339.02 (9.56%) 情绪看涨恐惧与贪婪指数 66(贪婪) 关键支撑位 $ 303.24、$ 298.45、$ 295.77 关键阻力位 $ 310.70、$ 313.38、$ 318.17
根据币安币价格预测,BNB 价格预计在未来 5 天内上涨 9.56%
币安币价格在过去 24 小时内上涨 3.50% 后,今日交易价格为 311.70 美元。该代币的表现优于加密货币市场,加密货币总市值同期增长了 2.44%。 BNB 今天兑 BTC 表现不佳,兑全球最大的加密货币录得 -0.44% 的损失。
根据我们的币安币价格预测,到 2024 年 2 月 13 日,BNB 的价格预计将达到 339.02 美元。这意味着未来 5 天内 BNB 的价格将上涨 9.56%。
BNB 价格预测图
过去 30 天内币安币发生了什么
币安币最近表现出积极的趋势,在过去 30 天内上涨了 3.92%。币安币的中期趋势一直看涨,过去 3 个月 BNB 上涨了 22.25%。币安币的长期前景一直是负面的,因为 BNB 目前的 1 年价格变化为 -6.51%。去年的这一天,BNB 的交易价格为 333.41 美元。
币安币于 2021 年 5 月 10 日创下历史新高,当时 BNB 的价格达到 689.33 美元的峰值。当前BNB周期高点为386.87美元,周期低点为185.52美元。 BNB 最近表现出较低的波动性——该币的 1 个月波动率为 2.08。币安币在过去 30 天内录得 16 个绿日。
今日币安币技术分析 - 2024 年 2 月 8 日
币安币市场的情绪目前为看涨,恐惧与贪婪指数为贪婪。最值得关注的支撑位是 303.24 美元、298.45 美元和 295.77 美元,而关键阻力位是 310.70 美元、313.38 美元和 318.17 美元。
26 indicators are currently signaling a bullish prediction for Binance Coin, while 3 indicators are showing a bearish forecast. With 90% of indicators favoring a positive prediction. This results in an overall Bullish sentiment for Binance Coin.
Crypto market is currently experiencing Greed
Currently, the Fear & Greed index is at 66 (Greed), which signals that investors have a positive outlook on the market. The Fear & Greed index is a measure of sentiment among cryptocurrency investors. A “Greed” reading suggests that investors are currently optimistic about the cryptocurrency market, but can also be an indication that the market is overvalued. A “Fear” reading, on the other hand, signals that investors are currently hesitant about the cryptocurrency market, which potentially represents a buying opportunity.
Binance Coin moving averages & oscillators
Let’s take a look at what some of the most important technical indicators are signaling. We’ll be going through key moving averages and oscillators that will allow us to get a better idea of how Binance Coin is positioned in the market right now.
Period Daily Simple Daily Exponential Weekly Simple Weekly Exponential MA3 $ 281.25 (BUY) $ 302.07 (BUY) - - MA5 $ 286.80 (BUY) $ 295.19 (BUY) - - MA10 $ 295.28 (BUY) $ 278.53 (BUY) - - MA21 $ 303.13 (BUY) $ 260.80 (BUY) $ 330.90 (SELL) $ 260.96 (BUY) MA50 $ 300.34 (BUY) $ 245.79 (BUY) $ 255.70 (BUY) $ 264.87 (BUY) MA100 $ 269.96 (BUY) $ 238.86 (BUY) $ 219.67 (BUY) $ 274.44 (BUY) MA200 $ 254.25 (BUY) $ 244.43 (BUY) $ 284.42 (BUY) $ 225.38 (BUY)
Period Value Action RSI (14) 51.58 NEUTRAL Stoch RSI (14) 100.00 SELL Stochastic Fast (14) 60.18 NEUTRAL Commodity Channel Index (20) -66.67 NEUTRAL Average Directional Index (14) 8.24 NEUTRAL Awesome Oscillator (5, 34) -3.44 NEUTRAL Momentum (10) -2.87 NEUTRAL MACD (12, 26) -0.90 NEUTRAL Williams Percent Range (14) -39.82 NEUTRAL Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28) 44.06 NEUTRAL VWMA (10) 303.40 SELL Hull Moving Average (9) 300.02 BUY Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26) 304.76 NEUTRAL
The Relative Strength Index (RSI 14) is a widely used indicator that helps inform investors whether an asset is currently overbought or oversold. The RSI 14 for Binance Coin is at 51.58, suggesting that BNB is currently neutral.
The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 50) takes into account the closing price of Binance Coin over the last 50 days. Currently, Binance Coin is trading below the SMA 50 trendline, which is a bearish signal.
Meanwhile, the 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA 200) is a long-term trendline that’s calculated by taking an average of the BNB closing price for the last 200 days. BNB is now trading below the SMA 200, signaling that the market is currently bearish.
The bottom line about this Binance Coin prediction
考虑到上述因素后,我们可以得出结论,目前币安币价格预测是看涨的。 BNB 必须在未来五天内上涨 9.56% 才能达到我们 339.02 美元的目标。展望未来,监控 BNB 市场情绪、关键支撑位和阻力位以及其他指标非常重要。然而,我们必须记住,加密货币市场是不可预测的,即使是最大的加密资产也会出现很大的价格波动。如需了解币安币的长期价格预测,请点击此处。