
[丽莎]可能已经被投资者忽视的 3 个加密货币趋势以及如何从中受益








2024 年将为加密市场带来一些历史上最重大的变化。比特币ETF于1月份上线,全世界都在等待CBDC的发布,下一次比特币减半事件即将到来。此外,美国总统选举也将于 11 月举行,这对整个加密市场的情绪产生了历史性的巨大影响。

然而,还有其他大多数投资者不知道的加密趋势,我们将介绍对加密市场影响最大的前三个趋势。我们还将介绍具有最高增长潜力的新兴加密货币,包括 Bitcoin Minetrix、Sponge V2、Meme Kombat 和 eTukTuk。

>>> 立即购买最好的硬币<<<

1. FTX 计划全额支付投资者

去年的 FTX 丑闻对整体市场情绪产生了巨大的负面影响,特别是在有消息称这家全球第二大交易所缺乏数十亿美元来弥补因非法资产管理而造成的损失之后。虽然业主萨姆·班克曼-弗里德仍在等待审判,但一项新计划有望让投资者重获新生。

这一好消息受到了全世界投资者的欢迎,因为他们现在可以弥补损失了。偿还计划将以破产时的加密货币价值进行,当时比特币的价值约为 20,000 美元。虽然比现在少了很多,但回报投资者的努力仍然是一个好消息,可以帮助再次提高人们对加密货币的信任。

>>> 立即购买最好的硬币<<<

2. 加密货币挖矿的环境影响分析

众所周知,加密货币挖矿会消耗大量能源,并对环境产生负面影响。加密货币挖矿再次受到审查,但这次由美国能源信息管理局牵头调查。该组织将跟踪美国各地运营的加密货币挖矿公司的电力消耗情况。该调查将于 2 月份启动,重点关注众多比特币矿工。该调查旨在提供有关比特币挖矿能源消耗的准确报告,全球估计能源消耗高达 127 太瓦时 (TWh)。

>>> 立即购买最好的硬币<<<

3. 加密货币和代币化的更广泛采用

TradeFi 机构正在正式采用区块链技术,从而导致加密货币在 2024 年得到更广泛的采用。除了比特币 ETF 的推出之外,新的代币化产品的趋势正在呈指数级增长。换句话说,数字资产正在成为许多有形世界资产的可行支付选择,这一过程只会加速前进。

For example, the Boston Consulting Group estimates that the tokenized market will surpass $16 trillion. A survey done by Celent proved that 91% of institutional investors are interested in investing in tokenized assets. Over 97% agree that tokenization will redefine the entire financial industry and wealth management. Tokenomics will soon become a mainstream financial service, revolutionizing the whole industry.

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Cryptos to Lead the Market Boom of 2024

To get a head start on the ongoing crypto revolution, you must invest in digital assets, resulting in the highest returns. So, let’s look at some of the best-emerging cryptocurrencies that could explode in the next few months.

1. Bitcoin Minetrix – Cloud-Based Bitcoin Mining Platform


Bitcoin Minetrix is an emerging crypto platform that will go live with perfect timing. It’s a cloud-based BTC mining platform designed to make mining Bitcoin safe, simple, and accessible to the average user. Bitcoin Minetrix has a Stake-to-Mine reward system that allows users to earn nonfungible mining credits for renting out remote mining machines.

The platform solves the biggest challenges of mining BTC, like massive hardware and electricity bill costs, in one sweep, providing users with the simplest BTC mining option on the market. The ongoing BTC MTX token presale has raised over $10.3 million already, so visit the site today and grab yours to earn the biggest returns in the future.

>>> Buy Bitcoin Minetrix Now<<<

2. Sponge V2 – New Version of Last-Years 100x Meme Coin


If you missed your chance to invest in $SPONGE tokens in 2023, which had gains of over 5,000%, you can now invest in the new version called Sponge V2, which is likely to repeat and possibly even surpass its predecessor. The new token version offers higher utility as it’s built around a Mario Kart-like Spongebob-themed game.

However, there is no official presale event. Instead, you can only get Sponge V2 through a Stake-to-Bridge reward system that requires you to purchase and stake original $SPONGE coins. Invest today and become a part of the next 100x meme coin community.

>>> Buy $SPONGEV2 Now<<<

3. Meme Kombat – High Utility P2E Battle Arena Meme Coin


Meme Kombat is another meme coin poised to make huge gains in 2024 and beyond. It combines features of three growing industries – gaming, cryptocurrencies, and online casinos. The game is built around an AI-powered battle arena where you can choose one of multiple available meme characters and watch them fight it out in wild battles.

You must stake a portion of your MK tokens before every match, and if you win, you get higher returns. You can also earn tokens by betting on random battle outcomes. MK tokens are available in a presale that raised over $8.2 million, so invest today to get the most out of your investment.

>>> Buy Meme Kombat Now<<<

4. eTukTuk——重新定义不断发展的 TukTuk 交通行业的革命性平台


eTukTuk 为全球 2.7 亿人口的运输业带来了一场革命。它旨在利用区块链技术帮助在全球范围内建立可持续的电动汽车运输和充电系统。目标是帮助减少道路上的智能电动汽车数量、减少污染并提高整体空气质量。

该平台由 $TUK 代币提供支持,您可以通过玩类似于 Crazy Taxi 的 P2E 游戏来赚取。这些代币已开始预售,筹集了超过 80 万美元。今天投资,帮助为子孙后代建设一个更美好的世界。

>>>立即购买 eTukTuk<<<


您可能错过了上述三个趋势,但它们可能会对 2024 年及以后的加密货币价格产生巨大影响。您可能也错过了 Bitcoin Minetrix、Sponge V2、Meme Kombat 和 eTukTuk 等加密货币,因此请务必访问他们的官方网站并立即投资,以便在未来获得最高回报。

>>> 立即购买最好的硬币<<<

热点:加密货币 丽莎 加密 投资 投资者

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