
爱 Vitalik Buterin 30 岁生日的 30 个理由








以太坊的联合创始人和精神领袖 Vitalik Buterin 今天迎来了 30 岁生日。


迄今为止,Buterin 在他的时代已经取得了很多成就,而且还有更多的事情要做。

追随中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)——一个伪无人英雄的工作是艰巨的,但 Buterin 通过避免所有的自我,已经完成了这项任务。

为了纪念他的众多成就,CoinDesk 提出了 30 个热爱 Buterin 的理由。


1 - Vitalik 的说法是这样的:

2017 年,在首次代币发行 (ICO) 热潮的鼎盛时期,当加密货币总市值突破 5000 亿美元时,Buterin 发推文“我们*赚*到了吗?”

考虑到当时许多(但不是全部)最大的 ICO 都没有带来任何成果,这是一个公平的问题。

2 - 他的心是在正确的地方:

Vitalik 创建以太坊的使命是构建一台可以运行任何可以想象的应用程序的“世界计算机”。


3 - 他报恩:

Buterin 17 岁时从父亲那里了解到了比特币。现在,他的父母 Dmitry Buterine 和 Natalia Ameline 都在加密行业工作。

Ameline 正在帮助构建以太坊第 2 层 Metis。

4 - Buterin 是比特币爱好者中的比特币爱好者:

2011 年,大约在他接触比特币的时候,Buterin 开始为现已停刊的出版物《比特币周刊》撰写有关第一种加密货币的文章,以便尽可能地了解这项新兴技术。

那年年底,Buterin 与他人共同创办了《比特币杂志》,并成为其中最多产的作家之一,涵盖和思考仍在讨论中的比特币想法,例如引入原生智能合约和通过二级层扩展链。

5 - 他像 Pi 一样谦逊:

他曾入选《福布斯》30 位 30 岁以下精英榜、《财富》40 位 40 岁以下精英榜,获得了荣誉博士学位,并成为许多杂志人物简介的主题。

然而,没有人可以可信地说 Buterin 是为了金钱或名誉而参与其中。



6 - Buterin 增加了经济学学科:

Buterin 与 Glen Weyl 和 Zoe Hitzig 一起帮助开发了一种无需中央决策者即可公平分配资金的机制,称为二次投票。

如今,该系统正在跨加密货币领域运行,特别是在去中心化应用程序 Gitcoin 中,该应用程序为公共产品提供资金。

7 - 他很慷慨,不仅在时间上,而且在金钱上:

Buterin 近年来做出了大量慈善捐款,包括人工智能安全事业、人类长寿研究和其他更实际的问题。

8 - Even when being catty, he’s doing good: In 2021, during the first break out of “dog tokens,” the team behind Shiba Inu sent Buterin about 5% of the circulating supply of SHIB, unprompted, in a blatant attempt to market the project. Buterin decided to donate those coins, worth over $1 billion at the time, to India's Crypto Covid relief fund.

9 - He speaks out for causes he believes in: Although born in Russia, Buterin has spoken out against his native country’s invasion of Ukraine, even tweeting this all-time gem, “Ethereum is neutral, but I am not” on the first day of the invasion.

10 - He’s a lover of the simple things: Buterin’s current bio on Twitter/X, “mi pinxe lo crino tcati,” apparently translates to “I drink the green tea,” in the constructed, rules-based language Lojban. He is also known to mix green tea with red wine (we can’t all be perfect).

11 - Impeccable fashion sense: Whether it’s a unicorn t-shirt, furry suit or a pair of glasses straight out of The Matrix, Vitalik certainly knows how to pull off a look.

12 - He is comfortable playing the fool: Here’s Vitalik sort of doing the “Badger Dance” at the opening ceremonies of Edcon 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

13 - He has a voice all his own: Somewhere between the Professor from The Simpsons and Kermit the Frog, Buterin’s unique tonal expression is one for the history books.

See also: Vitalik Buterin and Birth of Ethereum

14 - Buterin lets his thoughts evolve, and isn’t afraid of challenging himself later: Here’s a tweet thread of Buterin rethinking dozens of the things he’s said and written about. It was not the first or last time either.

15 - He’s not afraid to critique his heroes: Many crypto leaders cite James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg’s “The Soverign Individual” as a favorite book, including Buterin. In 2020, he wrote a detailed walkthrough of the book’s core concepts, and how they apply to the digital world today, nearly 30-years on from the date of publication, discussing the things they get right and wrong.

16 - He’s an advocate for accessibility: Not only is Ethereum designed to be open and available to anyone with an internet connection, Buterin is constantly thinking of ways to lower fees, increase access and subsidize use, including some controversial means that other blockchain advocates might discard.

17 - He knows how to throw a shindig: Just ask anyone who went to Zuzalu, in Montenegro, a week-long retreat and study session for people interested in crypto and longevity research.

18 - He practices what he preaches: Buterin is a frequent user of decentralized applications, from social media apps like Farcaster to donation protocols like Gitcoin, he may just be the ideal Ethereum user.

19: He sees rival chains as zero-plus not zero-sum: When Solana was ravished after the collapse of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried, who was closely tied into the blockchain’s ecosystem, Buterin tweeted: “smart people tell me there is an earnest smart developer community in Solana, and now that the awful opportunistic money people have been washed out, the chain has a bright future. Hard for me to tell from outside, but I hope the community gets its fair chance to thrive.” Not to overstate the case, but this single tweet did a lot to reaffirm conviction in a rival project. He doesn’t kick when others are down, but instead offers a hand up.

20 - Although a techno-optimist, he’s practically minded: Take his blog post yesterday on the ways AI and crypto could interact. Buterin placed a large amount of emphasis on areas he thought were easiest to get right, i.e. having AI agents work on-chain where the “underlying mechanism continues to be designed roughly as before.”

21 - He knows how to coin a term: From the recent Defensive/Decentralized/Differential Acceleration, or d/acc (a play on the hyper-aggressive, pro-tech and pro-capitalism e/acc), which proposes that humans take a considered approach to technological progress, to the blockchain “trilemma,” Buterin has coined many words in common parlance.

22 - He’s a bit of an anarchist (in a good way): In addition to creating Ethereum, Buterin has made contributions to a number of more radical projects, including Cody Wilson’s supposedly censorship-resistant DarkWallet.

23 - He pays homage: The word Ethereum is often said to come from Ethernet, or the physical backbone of the internet. (Although some say it is also derived from “ether,” what was known as the fifth element in medieval times, which Buterin came across while reading Wikipedia.)

24 - He gives away ideas if he doesn’t have time to build them: Just take Uniswap, the largest decentralized exchange.

25 - He’s a master developer: This one seems self-explanatory, but if you need an example look at the Merge, a moment that is often described as “changing out an airplane engine — mid flight.”

26 - He embodies the best aspects of Ethereum’s “social layer”: In the aftermath of the infamous DAO attack, Buterin initially advocated for a soft fork of Ethereum, so that the chain’s history would not be rewritten. In time, in part due to technical challenges, the community opted for a “hard fork,” leading to two versions of the chain, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. This moment is key in the history of crypto, because it shows that code is not always law, and people have a say over how a project should develop.

27 - 他并不是为了钱:

在最近的一篇博客文章中,Buterin 感叹加密行业已经变得多么以金钱为中心。


另请参阅:Vitalik Buterin 谈以太坊的“未选择的道路”

28 - 他有幽默感:

我不太确定他是否创造了 Merge、Verge、Surge、Purge 和 Splurge 等术语来描述以太坊发展的未来阶段,但他当然同意。

29 - 他寻求复仇(必要时):

有充分证据表明,以太坊创建的煽动事件是在 Buterin 在《魔兽世界》中的术士角色(用他的话说)“被削弱”之后发生的。

在游戏开发商暴雪降低了他最喜欢的虹吸生命咒语的等级后,Buterin 开始思考如何让人们掌控自己的数字生活。


30 - Vitalik 是加密货币领域一直需要的领导者:


Buterin 面临着保持聚光灯下的艰巨任务,同时开发的技术冒犯了当今许多最强大的机构。


加密货币之所以好,部分原因在于 Vitalik 好。

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