Farcaster 最近推出了一项名为 Frames 的新功能。 Frames 可以将 Farcaster 发布的任何内容转变为交互式应用程序。 本文将向您介绍 Farcaster 框架的基础知识并探讨其一些实际应用。
加密社交场景刚刚取得了巨大的飞跃。 这是因为 Farcaster 刚刚推出了 Frames,它将任何演员表(您可以将其视为 Farcaster 推文或帖子)转变为交互式应用程序。
这一新功能为 Farcaster 生态系统带来了更多可能性,包括内置于铸件中的空投检查器和一键式无气体 NFT 铸造。
Farcaster 框架初学者指南
基本信息:Farcaster 是一个基于以太坊和 Optimism 构建的社交协议。 如果用户拥有以太坊钱包,则可以注册。
重要性:与传统的 web2 平台相比,Farcaster 强调用户对数据的控制,并允许社交数据在其生态系统内的不同应用程序之间传输。
从哪里开始:Farcaster 的设计理念促进了社交媒体的去中心化,因此您可以通过尝试在其之上构建的应用程序来开始,例如 Warpcast(类似于 Twitter)和 Farcord(类似于 Discord)。 单击此处查看 Farcaster 应用程序的完整列表。
如何注册:目前,拥有美国电话号码的用户可以免费注册 Farcaster,否则目前在 Warpcast 上创建帐户的费用为 5 美元。
什么是 Farcaster 框架?
最新消息:Frames 于上周推出,是 Farcaster 的一项新功能,作为 Open Graph(最初由 Facebook 开发的内容标准)协议的扩展而构建。
特点:从游戏到测验等,Frames 提供了无限的可能性,是围绕 Farcaster 生态系统创建更具吸引力和以加密货币为中心的体验的新方式。
活动热潮:Frames 的到来引发了 Farcaster 活动的激增。 反应(评论、点赞和转发)增长超过 100%,注册用户已突破 7 万大关。
早期 Farcaster 框架的示例
Frames 场景是新的,但我们已经在这里看到了各种实验,以下是引起市场关注的 10 个早期 Frames 应用程序:
NFT Gallery:使用 Gallery.so 浏览 feed 中的 NFT
NFT Mint: Gas-free NFT minting directly on Farcaster
Poll Creator: A DIY Farcaster Survey System
Product Credits: Mint NFTs to earn free product credits
Song Drop: Music NFT drop via Sound.xyz
Tenet: Click through scenes from Christopher Nolan films
Threads: Create content threads within a single published content
How to explore new Frames
Note that different Farcaster clients will render Frames differently. If you started with Warpcast like most people, you can find and interact with new Frames by checking the Trending Frames page or the Frames channel (similar to the Reddit subreddit).
Other Farcaster resources
If you're interested in learning more about Farcaster and Frames, here are some helpful resources:
Farcaster Apps: A list of Farcaster clients and apps you can try
Farcaster Documentation: Farcaster’s official knowledge base
Farcaster Statistics: Farcaster Analytics Dashboard by pixelhack
Farcaster Frames 101: Official documentation and specs for Frames
Warps 101: Warpcast off-chain points guide
I've also seen some great articles about Frames in the past few days. If you're still trying to figure out what this new feature means, be sure to check out these posts:
How to view Frames
Building the future of the Internet
Go to where your wallet is
at last
Frames’ integration with Farcaster is the biggest thing to happen in the crypto-social space so far in 2024. It demonstrates how a decentralized social network can provide rich interactive experiences while leveraging the orbit of the crypto-economy and maintaining user security and autonomy.
For the NFT ecosystem in particular, Frames opens up a new way to display, mint, and participate in NFTs directly in social media. They provide a new channel for creators to distribute their works and a new way for collectors to discover and interact with NFTs.
These NFT possibilities and others provide fertile ground for novel user experiences. If even a few of these experiences can achieve breakthrough development, it may lead to wider acceptance of blockchain technology and its integration into daily online interactions.
In the meantime, we're looking forward to more experiments with Frames, and the release of more DIY no-code tools that will make it easy to publish your own Frames.
Additionally, you might consider becoming an active poster on Farcaster to interact with other interesting accounts and capitalize on the early momentum. If Farcaster turns out to be a huge success, you'll be among the first to participate!