The technology particularly shines in player-vs-player games, addressing the entire trustless gaming industry, limitations of ZKPs, and the need for privacy and security at low-level gaming infrastructure through FHE Rollups. Unlike traditional gaming platforms, trustless gaming on blockchain eliminates the need for a central authority, offering various environments, from casino games to virtual reality experiences.
With a burgeoning gaming market projected to generate $490 billion in revenue by 2023, Fhenix’s technology is an advancement and a necessity. It addresses critical challenges like real-time position vulnerabilities, historical tactics analysis, identity correlation risks, and game manipulation on public blockchains.
Fhenix stands not in competition with games but as a foundational infrastructure, enhancing privacy and security from the ground up. It paves the way for unique app chains through FHE Rollups, catering to different gaming genres while ensuring total confidentiality and safety.
Fhenix represents a significant step forward in the blockchain industry, offering a solution to the long-standing privacy and security challenges. By enabling encrypted on-chain transactions and computation, Fhenix paves the way for a new encryption standard in Web3, potentially transforming how data is handled and protected in the blockchain ecosystem.
根据其雄心壮志,Fhenix 在 2024 年第一季度将参与并显着影响科技界的重大事件。
选定的活动包括 Penn Blockchain Week、ETH Denver、ETHGlobal London 和 ETHSeoul,是 Fhenix 展示其突破性进展的平台。
这些论坛使 Fhenix 能够与技术爱好者互动,与行业领导者和有抱负的开发人员分享见解。
重点是塑造一个安全、私密的数字未来——Fhenix 将恪守这一承诺。
宾夕法尼亚大学区块链周和 ETH 丹佛二月份是重要的聚会。
在 ETH Denver,Fhenix 将举办或参加各种活动,例如 DeFi Day、私人研究晚宴、加密日和著名的 ETHDenver Hackathon。
这些活动凸显了 Fhenix 对技术领域的深度参与,展示了其对培育私密且安全的数字环境的承诺。
3 月份的 ETHGlobal 伦敦和 ETH首尔进一步证明了 Fhenix 的全球影响力。
这些活动以吸引顶级以太坊研究人员和开发人员而闻名,将成为 Fhenix 扩大影响力并分享新计算时代愿景的重要平台。
本季度的活动只是 Fhenix 2024 年广泛路线图的开始。他们的积极参与是推动行业向前发展的战略举措,强调他们致力于引领计算新时代的潮流,在这个时代,隐私和安全不是事后的想法,而是基本要素。
Fhenix 站在区块链隐私和安全创新的前沿。
随着该项目的主网启动不断推进,看看 Fhenix 如何应对未来的挑战以及如何塑造区块链隐私的未来将会很有趣。
文章《Fhenix:用于加密 Web3 的完全同态加密 (FHE) 支持的 L2》首先出现在 Blockonomi 上。