据 NBC 新闻报道,所有宣传视频的开头都是一样的:每段都以 PragerU 的首席执行官 Marissa Streit 开始,PragerU 是一家保守的非营利组织,主要以制作以右翼专家为主角的网络视频和批评进步政策的短片而闻名。
Streit 介绍了一位州高级教育官员,随后他对 PragerU 与州公立学校之间的新合作关系表示赞赏。
在一段视频中,俄克拉荷马州公共教育总监瑞安·沃尔特斯 (Ryan Walters) 表示,他“非常高兴能将这些内容引入我们的课堂”,并补充说,他自己作为历史老师使用了 PragerU 的视频。
新罕布什尔州教育专员 Frank Edelblut 热情地解释说,该州的学生可以使用 PragerU 视频来满足高中毕业要求,并指出,“这是高质量的内容,对孩子们来说非常有吸引力。”
与此同时,蒙大拿州公共教育总监埃尔西·阿恩岑 (Elsie Arntzen) 表示,该州与 PragerU 的新关系将帮助教育工作者认识“如何教书”。
PragerU 成立于 2009 年。其最近的视频包含反对跨性别医疗保健的信息,并建议美国人说“圣诞快乐”而不是“节日快乐”。
去年,该组织推出了一系列针对学童的卡通和课堂材料,名为 PragerU Kids,在过去六个月中已获得四个州教育机构的批准。
PragerU Kids 视频内容涵盖范围广泛,从向青少年讲述为什么加拿大等国家的全民医疗保健系统比美国的系统更糟糕,到向幼儿解释以色列的铁穹。
The expansion of PragerU into public schools has alarmed some parents and educators — especially leading into an election year in which culture-war debates over education promise to be a prominent issue. Critics contend that the group's videos inject a right-wing bias into the classroom, and civil rights groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Human Rights Campaign have described PragerU content as propaganda.
Some videos have also drawn ire from scientists. Several researchers told Reuters that PragerU misrepresented their findings in videos about climate change. An official at the National Center for Science Education said that allowing PragerU's content in classrooms sent an inappropriate message about how to teach global warming.
Emails obtained by NBC News via records requests offer a glimpse into how PragerU has been able to expand into public schools, thanks to relationships with Republican politicians who helped with the organization's marketing.
Edelblut and Walters each visited PragerU's headquarters in Southern California; emails show Edelblut agreed to speak to the nonprofit's donors at a private event there, and a video on PragerU's website shows Walters speaking to staff and donors at a ribbon-cutting on the campus in November.
"We literally have an education system that has been indoctrinating kids with radical left wokeism," Walters said at the ceremony. "There is no organization, no individuals, that have done more to strike at the heart of that left-wing dominance of education than PragerU."
NBC News spoke with education policy specialists, attorneys and ethics experts who say PragerU's courting of elected officials raises red flags. All said it is abnormal, and even alarming, for an organization to try to get its curricula into classrooms by appealing directly to politicians and to ask state leaders to film commercials.
The officials' willingness to appear in PragerU's promotional videos "is highly unusual," said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist at Public Citizen, a nonprofit that seeks stricter campaign finance laws. "It crosses the line of ethics when you use your official position to promote the interests of any single entity."
Streit said in an interview that PragerU is on the front lines of a "cultural war" in which one side is trying to manipulate children into hating the country through schools.
"I don't actually believe that America is going to be taken down by bullets and tanks," she said. "I think that if America would be taken down, it's through the erosion of the values and the ideas that have made our country what it is today."
Dennis Prager, a long-time radio host and PragerU's co-founder, has acknowledged that the organization is in the "mind-changing business" and doesn't see an issue with allegations that it indoctrinates children.
普拉格在接受 NBC 新闻采访时表示,他的组织所传递的信息优于进步主义意识形态,他认为进步主义意识形态导致教师过多关注美国的罪恶。
阅读 NBC 新闻的独家报道。