








随着比特币序号迅速接近 5000 万登记里程碑,比特币社区准备庆祝自 Casey


于 1 月 30 日



在这次庆祝活动之前,12 月 14 日,罗达莫 (Rodarmor) 使用他的协议创建并铭刻了有史以来第一个序号。


Rodarmor 的




在 Twitter 上自称

@BitcoinSapiens的 Bitcoin Maxi

从一开始就反对 Ordinals。

上周,该用户在 Twitter


“99% 的序号都是骗局。




消息人士透露,在这场持续不断的争论中,一个可以重新团结比特币社区的新 Ordinals 艺术收藏品已经被列入其中。

该藏品名为“通货膨胀”,由111 块铭文



实际燃烧的 100 美元、10 美元和一张 1 美元纸币,总价值为 10,101 美元。


Web3 受到数字万金油和 JPG 销售人员的困扰,但我们不要忘记中本聪在比特币网络的创世区块中留下了一条隐藏信息,可能暗示其





在于,它引用了中本聪谴责法定货币腐败的原始信息,因此它将比特币爱好者和 Maxis 联系在一起。


消息人士在独家采访中表示:“与 Ordinals 不同,比特币 maxis 只需要仔细研究这些类型的项目,就能意识到铭文的威力有多大。”

“得益于 Casey Rodarmor 的序数协议,比特币是艺术可以无限(或永久)安全存在的地方。”

作为 Ordinal 用例并利用其永久优点的一个例子,斯巴达克斯项目于 2023 年 10 月 7 日使用 Ordinal 协议将朱利安·阿桑奇 (Julian Assange) 的维基解密在 2010 年公布的大量阿富汗战争日志记录在比特币上。

Project Spartacus has a website where it provides a public interface allowing users to inscribe a war log on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Reigniting the block size war

The emergence of Bitcoin Ordinals revived the “Blocksize Wars” of 2015 to 2017, a period marked by rancor and internal division. It split the Bitcoiners in two, those advocating for large blocks and those in favour of small blocks.

That lead to a Bitcoin fork that enabled Bitcoin Cash’s inception in August 2017. BCH was subject to another forkwar —which all bitcoiners are trying to avoid — that lead to the emergence of Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV).

Those who identify as Maxis claim that Ordinals are filling block transactions with “spam” and other “digital garbage,” while causing fees to increase. The Ordinals supporters claim that increasing the blocksize and adding utility, including Ordinal inscriptions, will bring more people to Bitcoin.

@DecredSociety wrote on Twitter that “Bitcoin is experiencing a spam attack, blocks are filling up fast with internet goods including jpegs. This development has been enabled by segwit, a soft fork that inflates the maximum block size of 1mb to 4mb.”

Creating a good fungible token protocol for Bitcoin

Addressing some of the Bitcoin maxis’ greater concerns over Ordinals, Rodarmor released Runes, enabling holding token balances in UTXOs and allowing for more flexible transactions.

In a blog explaining Runes, Rodarmor himself casts significant doubt on his creation.

“I'm not sure creating a new fungible token protocol for Bitcoin is a good idea. Fungible tokens are 99.9% scams and memes. However, they don't appear to be going away any time soon, similar to the way in which casinos don't appear to be going away any time soon,” he wrote.

However, Rodarmor assured that “creating a good fungible token protocol for Bitcoin could bring significant transaction fee revenue, developer mindshare, and users to Bitcoin.”

Expressing artists’ personal beliefs

“I am a strong believer that the short-term pain is great for the long-term growth of the Bitcoin ecosystem, which makes people think about what type of Ordinal Protocol code is needed in ScriptSig or how to implement computation functionalities using off-chain infrastructures, such as W3bstream.com,IoTeX CEO Raullen Chai said.

Chai referenced a Bitcoin Forum thread by Seburnir in which Satoshi weighed in on 28 January 2010. “From his replies, one can clearly tell Satoshi is interested in exploring various Bitcoin chain use cases.

“The Bitcoin Ordinals are seen as a form of resistance to the traditional financial system,” Chai said regarding the Inflation collection. “They are also a way of expressing artists personal beliefs about Bitcoin and its potential to change the world. Sort of Bitcoin Fundamentalism.”

The world's most secure open-source network

Renewablox COO Jason Deane, a long-time, large-scale Bitcoin miner, believes that

“what we think or feel about Ordinals is entirely irrelevant. The Bitcoin network is a permissionless, open-source network, and like free speech, whether we agree or not, people can do what they like with it.”

“The key point is that Ordinals don't affect Bitcoin’s ability to work as a ‘store of value’ (some would probably even argue it actually helps this part of the use case) or as a unit of account,” Deane said.

He also had his sayso regarding Ordinals:

“The content is largely irrelevant. This is about whether the world's most secure open-source network powering the world's hardest money should be mucking about with monkey pictures.”

Do NFTs on the Bitcoin network enable Satoshi’s original mission? Likely not. But maybe that’s not the question we should be asking. Just as fundamentalists in all religions can cling overzealously to the literal words of their founding documents, perhaps many of us––Maxi or not—have stuck too closely to the words in the Bitcoin whitepaper and lost sight of the original ideals.

When asked specifically about the “Inflation” inscriptions found on Ord.io, which are full of symbolism and openly reject the establishment and its detrimental control over money, Deane responded that

“while the content or subject matter may have some very minor leverage at persuading a certain number of people who claim to be Bitcoin purists to look upon them more favourably, the overriding feeling will be more likely defined by the whether you are for or against the concept of them being there in the first place.”

L. Asher Corson, a Bitcoin Maximalist and a UTXO Management partner, recently wrote an Op-Ed in which he says he loves Ordinals. “Other Maximalists should also consider loving Ordinals, as they demonstrate Bitcoin's superiority in ways not previously possible,” he added.

Corson said Bitcoin Maxis understand there are no serious bitcoin contenders, nor will there ever be.

“Ordinals have the potential to enable use cases to be built natively on Bitcoin,” which would bring new users to the number one cryptocurrency.

Considerable debate

Bitcoiner and Commerce Block CEO Gregory Nicholas agrees that Ordinals has sparked considerable debate among long-time Bitcoin enthusiasts. “The question of what constitutes spam on the Bitcoin network is as old as Bitcoin itself.”

“Any efforts by Bitcoin maximalists or OGs to halt inscriptions would be futile and contradictory to Bitcoin's core permissionlessness and resistance to censorship principles,” Nicholas said.






Galaxy Research 的一份


预测,到 2025 年,基于 Inscriptions 和 Ordinals 的比特币 NFT 市场将达到 45 亿美元。




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