您还记得在学校成绩单上获得 A 的兴奋吗? 那种感觉很超现实。 你的父母很自豪,你也很高兴。 现在,回到现在,情况已经完全改变了。 成绩只是数字和字母,文凭变得一文不值,学生贷款变成了无期徒刑。
我们的教育体系应该让我们有能力并具备相关知识。 现在,它已经变得更像是一个破烂不堪、布满灰尘的老图书馆,里面充满了过时的信息和隐藏的陷阱。
教育体系亟需变革。 但不用担心。 在黑暗的时代,有希望之光可以永远改变教育。 这就是区块链技术。 想象一下这样一个世界:您的记录安全且防篡改,学位不仅仅是一张纸,学生贷款也不会困扰您的梦想。 这是 Educadence 的承诺,该项目旨在以信任、透明和自由的方式重建教育。
教育只有一个目标。 彻底改变传统教育体系,使其更加安全、透明和普及。 Educcadnece 认识到当前教育体系长期存在的问题和效率低下的问题。 该项目解决了所有这些挑战,并提供了超越物理和传统界限的解决方案。
这个革命性项目的基础是建立在区块链技术之上的。 这项技术最初因为加密货币提供动力而闻名,具有前所未有的改变教育的潜力。 其核心原则是去中心化。 不再有中央机构控制您的数据或规定游戏规则。 教育使您(学生)能够掌控您的教育旅程。
当前的教育体系感觉就像一座摇摇欲坠的桥梁。 您仍在确定下一步会发生什么。 让我们了解一些阻碍您未来发展的问题。
当前的教育体系需要更加诚信。 一些教育组织滥用学生的宝贵数据。 在这些腐败机构中,篡改成绩单和学位已经很常见。 金钱是他们的动力。
学生贷款曾经是垫脚石; 现在他们成了枷锁。 用令人困惑的条款和隐藏的费用让学生陷入困境。 总体而言,该系统感觉过时且乏善可陈,还有很大的改进空间。
The introduction of blockchain technology increases trust and transparency. This technology will help with record keeping. All the degrees, diplomas, E-transcripts and assignments will be stored on the blockchain. The inherent property of the blockchain is that you can’t edit the data present on the chain. This also makes an excellent tamper-proof system, ensuring no one is playing with students’ future.
Educcadence envisions a fairer system where loans are handled with smart contracts, ensuring clear terms and targeted financial aid. With Educcadence, the world becomes your classroom. Students can connect with professors and peers across borders, collaborate on projects and learn from diverse perspectives regardless of the location.
The entire Educcadence ecosystem will function on only one currency. Whether it’s paying fees as students, receiving salaries as educators or making a purchase, everything will go through the EDUC token.
And that’s not all. Educcadence has some exciting projects lined up for the future, such as integrating AI into the system to enhance the experience and reduce the workload.
EDUC Token: Powering the Educcadence Ecosystem
The era of excessive paperwork is gone. With the EDUC token, Educcadence rewrites the rules of education transactions, making them smoother, safer, and student-powered.
EDUC is the native currency of this ecosystem built on the Educcadence blockchain. With EDUC being the key facilitator, every transaction will be processed through it. EDUC’s ICO will launch on 4 January 2024. It’s a BEP-20 standard token operating on the BNB chain with a total supply capped at 1 Billion. After the ICO, there will be airdrops, partnerships with educational organizations and the release of the private blockchain.
From this 1 Billion fixed supply, 2% will be used in airdrops, 3% will be given to students as rewards, 10% will be used in partnerships, and 5% will go to charity. Check out the detailed tokenomics here: https://d1oyy9mp753wgj.cloudfront.net/151ecf50-4264-48c8-92a6-4b8506ae00b1/docs/Educ-WhitePaper.pdf.
EDUC is more than just a currency. It’s a symbol of empowerment, a tool for building a fairer and more accessible education system.
The team behind Educcadence
Educcadence is the brainchild of Mr. Sukumar Shetty, the founder and CEO. Spending over 13 years in EdTech, Sukumar Shetty brings his passion for quality education and commitment to student satisfaction. Currently working as a director at Shetty’s engineering classes, Mr Shetty has been teaching various subjects such as electronics, computer science, AI, telecommunication, etc. throughout the years. He is known as a “Seasoned Educator” across multiple universities worldwide.
Mr. Shetty aims to change the future of education, and his vision extends globally. Under his guidance and leadership, Educcadence is set to make significant steps in the realm of decentralized education.
Final words
现在,我们已经了解了有关教育的一切。 未来触手可及。 教育在信任、透明度和学生赋权的基础上蓬勃发展的未来。
但请记住,教育的光明未来不是由少数人创造的,而是由少数人创造的。 它是由像您这样的学生、教育工作者和创新者的集体力量建立的。 你准备好加入革命了吗? 参与 2024 年 1 月 4 日启动的 ICO。注册到他们的网站并开始:https://educcadence.com/
帖子《教育:为教育构建去中心化和透明的未来》首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。