










就在昨晚,即 2023 年 12 月 20 日,我遭遇了加密货币空投诈骗者的网络钓鱼攻击,我从虚拟钱包中丢失了一些加密资产。

我第一次遇到加密货币骗局是在 2018 年。2017 年至 2018 年期间,我是 WhatsApp 上一个加密货币 P2P 群组的管理员,该群组是我创建的,由两个愿意交易比特币和其他加密货币的陌生人托管。


但不幸的是,在某一天(准确地说是 2018 年 1 月 18 日),我的一位关注者联系我,他非常迫切地需要价值 300 美元的 BTC,我告诉他我会帮助他从我在网上认识的人那里采购。


不幸的是,我认识的大多数亲密朋友当时都没有 BTC 可供出售,所以我联系了我通过传销业务在网上认识的另一位朋友,他向我保证,他知道有人拥有相当于该价格的 BTC 可以出售我需要它,却不知道他说他认识的这个广受好评的人是他在网上认识的陌生人,就像我在网上认识他一样。

因为我太不耐烦了,我想快速将产品交付给我的客户,他们要求我获得 300 美元的比特币,这就是我决定尝试这个新商家的原因,因为我的网上认识的人向我保证他认识这个人,就像他们很亲密一样如果出现任何异常,他可以轻松联系的朋友。





Fast forward to yesterday 20th, December, 2023. I was on Twitter (X) when I saw a solana so called project launching information. The name of the so called project is Atom solana and the Twitter (X) page has over 60 thousands followers. This scam project uses social media hype and engagement to trick innocent people to click on their phishing link with the promise of claiming Airdrop or participating in presale. I have been seeing projects like that for a while especially on Twitter (X) and I have read comments of people complaining about being scammed with almost similar tricks before but that yesterday I was just so curious and eager to see to the end of the whole trick so I decided to follow up on the process. First, I followed the instruction to drop my Solana wallet address to a Google form with the request to join their Instagram channel and later saw another post claiming that presale is live and we can participate in presale but which I did not participate. Some hours later the Twitter account and telegram channel posted fake proof of Solana raised from presale, then provided a link for claiming presale token and airdrop for eligible people who have initially dropped their wallet address. I copied the link provided and pasted it in my phantom wallet dapp browser. After loading the page I receive a prompt to grant request to connect my wallet. Immediately my mind told me this could be a disaster so I stopped the process for a minute in other to stake my available solana before proceeding. In the wallet I only have some Solana and about 3$ worth bonk and 6$ worth planet (wormhole) tokens. After staking my Solana and leaving about $3 of Solana in the wallet with the two other tokens I decided to go back to completed the process. I pasted back the link I got from the scammer's telegram group to my dapp browser and I clicked on "claim Airdrop" before granting a connection request to my wallet. Within a few seconds, while I was still thinking why there was nothing showing on the page, I saw a withdrawal request of my bonk and wormhole tokens out of my wallet to the scammer's wallet without initiating or confirming anything on my own side. The phishing attack occured within a seconds and that was how I lost my bonk and planet token both with about $9 with the $3 sol making about $12 tokens to the scammer before I went to revoke the access to my wallet.

After seeing what happened I was highly grateful because I had the intuition to stake my Solana before the incident hence I could have been in a big loss. So what I did afterward was to check up the scammer's wallet on sol blockchain explorer and I was able to see all the transfer from all other victims wallet. This scammer has stolen quite a lot of tokens and nfts from people's wallet using same phishing attack and tricks and in my findings, I discovered he is a Russian scammer because I was able to trace a particular NFT to his origin and I am still going to do more research about the scammer but importantly I am writing this article to serve as a caution for all my readers and maybe you can learn one or two things from my story. I will be writing another article on common tricks and method use by crypto scammers to defraud their victims, make sure to stay updated by following me on Binance so as to avoid being a victim

See you in my next article....

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