区块链的核心是共识机制,它保证网络的可靠性和安全性。这些机制(如工作量证明 (PoW) 和权益证明 (PoS))可验证交易和网络的完整性。
一个新概念,即有用的工作量证明 (uPoW),更进了一步。它利用网络的计算能力来完成生产性任务,例如训练人工神经网络 (ANN)。因此,在 Qubic 生态系统中,花在安全上的精力也产生了一些实用而有价值的东西。
什么是 uPoW?
实用工作量证明 (uPoW) 是区块链网络充分利用能源的一种新方法。uPoW 不会像传统工作量证明 (PoW) 那样解决随机难题,而是使用能源来训练人工神经网络 (ANN)。因此,计算工作有助于推进机器学习,同时保持网络安全和去中心化。
尽管 PoW 经常被批评为浪费能源,但 uPoW 却能将能源转化为有用的东西。它既能保护网络,又能解决现实问题。权益证明 (PoS) 等其他方法使用经济激励来验证交易,但可能会面临中心化和安全性问题。
uPoW 的不同之处在于,矿工使用的能量可以用于有价值的事情,即改进 AI 模型。这种既能确保区块链安全,又能推动 AI 发展的功能是区块链技术向前迈出的一大步。
uPoW 的工作原理
实用工作量证明 (uPoW) 将传统挖矿与训练 AI 模型等有价值的任务相结合,利用区块链网络的计算能力来做一些有用的事情。矿工(称为“计算机”)不是解决随机难题,而是处理复杂的 AI 训练任务,利用网络资源做一些有用的事情。
在 uPoW 中,协议会为计算机分配特定的 AI 训练任务。这些任务涉及处理大型数据集,需要大量计算能力。拥有合适硬件和算法的矿工竞相完成这些任务,他们的表现取决于他们完成训练的准确度和速度。这决定了他们在网络中的排名。
uPoW 系统通过将 AI 任务分散到多台计算机上来保证网络安全和去中心化。这可以防止任何单个实体控制网络。所有训练任务和结果都存储在区块链上,因此一切都是透明且不可更改的。每个人都可以验证该过程,从而保持信任和安全。uPoW 将计算能力用于有用的事情,因此它更安全、更实用。
Qubic 和 uPoW
Qubic is a blockchain project that makes decentralized networks more useful and efficient with Useful Proof of Work (uPoW). We want to change the way we mine blockchains by adding meaningful tasks like training Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This secures the network and advances artificial intelligence.
Qubic integrates uPoW into its system by directing the network’s computational power towards AI training tasks. Instead of just validating transactions, Qubic’s miners (computers) train machine learning models on large datasets. Their performance is ranked based on the accuracy and speed of their AI training results. So the energy used in mining is used productively.
Qubic has made big progress with uPoW, proving it works to secure the network and train AI models. They have created a transparent system to record AI tasks on the blockchain so everything is verifiable and trustable. This transparency builds community trust and sets a high bar for accountability.
Qubic also got support from the blockchain and AI communities by hosting events and meetups to talk about uPoW and its use cases. These events bring people together and drive the development of uPoW.
One of the events is the Qubic X BAYC Banana & Burger Community Meetup, which will be held on June 28, 2024, from 5pm to 9pm at Bored & Hungry in Seoul, Korea. Admission is one banana per person. This meetup brings together NFT enthusiasts from various communities for all-you-can-eat burgers and fries, banana-themed activities and Qubic Goodie Bags. It’s a great opportunity to network and community building.
uPoW benefits for AI-based platforms
AI needs a lot of computational power because training advanced machine learning models, especially deep learning algorithms, involves processing large datasets and many complex calculations. Without enough computational resources, training becomes slow and inefficient and slows down AI progress.
The Useful Proof of Work (uPoW) system helps by using the energy from blockchain miners for AI training tasks. This makes the training faster and more cost-effective since it uses the existing blockchain network instead of expensive, dedicated supercomputers. AI platforms can then benefit from the blockchain’s decentralization and scalability to train and deploy models faster and more efficiently.
Decentralization is key to uPoW. By spreading AI training tasks across a wide network of miners, it prevents any single entity from controlling the process and avoids biases and manipulation. Blockchain’s on-chain transparency ensures that every training task and its outcome are recorded and verifiable by all, so trust and fairness are maintained.
uPoW vs. Other Consensus Methods
实用工作量证明 (uPoW) 通过将安全性与实用计算相结合来改进区块链。与传统的工作量证明 (PoW) 不同,后者需要耗费大量能源来解决复杂的难题,而没有产生任何生产性产出,uPoW 则将这些能源用于 AI 训练等实用任务。它更节省资源,更有价值。
PoS 和 DPoS 比 PoW 更节能,但可能导致集中化,即富裕的参与者拥有更多控制权。uPoW 通过将计算任务分散到广泛的矿工网络中来防止这种情况,因此任何单个实体都无法拥有过多的控制权。uPoW 中的 AI 训练任务确保工作在区块链上透明且可验证,从而增加了信任和完整性。
uPoW 改变了区块链和人工智能,它利用计算资源完成有用的任务,同时保证网络安全。Qubic 通过实施 uPoW 引领潮流,使区块链更加高效和去中心化。他们展示了区块链如何支持和推动人工智能发展,从而发展共识机制。