









我们的行业已进入发展和成熟阶段,监管合规对于用户体验和安全、业务成功和负责任的增长至关重要。这个时期究竟何时开始尚有争议,但在我看来,币安完全有资格成为新时代的开始。2023 年 11 月,我们采取了区块链领域前所未有的举措,为我们的历史问题承担了责任,承认即使是在监管不确定的状态下处于新兴领域的年轻企业,也不能被视为合规控制不够健全的借口。




我们的改进包括大幅扩展我们的内部反洗钱 (AML) 检测和分析能力,包括链上和链下监控;改进我们的身份验证 (KYC) 协议,通过一流的第三方供应商补充我们的内部团队和技术;加强我们的市场监督能力;以及建立行业领先的金融犯罪合规部门,负责协助全球执法机构进行与加密货币相关的调查,并与他们分享打击金融犯罪所需的技能和专业知识。每年,我们都看到反映这些努力的效率和影响的量化指标不断上升——与此同时,全行业对非法活动的估计不断减少。

Far from taking credit for all of the observed positive change, we have always maintained that this is a team effort. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to pull the entire industry to the next level of compliance and maturity without the active support of our peers willing to pull their weight. Adopting the view that “a rising tide lifts all boats,” Binance began calling for other major players in the digital-asset space to act as one when it comes to building trust, introducing responsible practices, and improving transparency and compliance across the board.

From proposing a unified trust-building framework for all centralized crypto exchanges to open-sourcing our proof-of-reserves (POR) system code and beyond, we geared our initiatives toward wide participation of our fellow blockchain and Web3 businesses. Above all, we wished our compliance enhancements, shaped by painful mistakes and grueling work alongside regulators, to start being widely replicated. While some improvements in this direction are already visible, I believe our industry peers are not doing enough.

Boat or Tide?

Implied in the “rising tide” metaphor is the idea that once a sweeping wave of positive change comes into an industry, every participant stands to benefit. This holds true for an industry-wide compliance upgrade: once all major players in the field are fully compliant, with less responsible ones forced to get up to the new standard or fold, we will enter a virtuous cycle of ever-solidifying trust, driving even more adoption. What the metaphor does not specify is who should be the tide driving the change, and who is the boat waiting to be lifted. Let me make it clear: Binance is not the tide. The tide is all of us, and our users should be the boats.

We are aware that to this day, some of our largest and strongest peers – the kind of entities that should be driving change for the benefit of the entire ecosystem – are not bringing their best game. Some turn a blind eye to wash trading, others are yet to introduce strong surveillance and transaction monitoring practices, yet others allow sanctions violations. Some, unfortunately, check several of these boxes at once.

True, these players haven’t yet suffered the same consequences of such shortfalls as Binance has, but it doesn’t mean that they never will. Even if they manage to avoid immediate regulatory scrutiny – which is far from warranted – and attendant sanctions, in the long run, eschewing best compliance practices will contribute to the erosion of user trust and the deterioration of their business. Even more importantly, whatever tactical benefits can be gained from lax anti-money laundering and identity verification policies, such behavior ultimately hinders the growth and maturation of the entire industry, negatively affecting all of its participants and users to a much greater extent.



  • 来自我们的首席执行官:区块链创新时代的既有者和颠覆者

  • 币安首席执行官 Richard Teng 表示:Tigran Gambaryan 是无辜的,必须被释放

  • 来自我们的首席执行官:在减半季乘上比特币创新浪潮

热点:推动 首席 首席执行官

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