很多交易者会讨厌我免费分享这个帖子,但我很快就会删除这个帖子。 这是我4年经验中的所有秘密
有些人比其他人学得更快。 有些人会在几个月内取得成功,而另一些人则需要数年时间。 有人会在牛市期间进入市场。 有人会因为那半绿色的蜡烛而感到高兴。
成功人士的与众不同之处在于:他们不会放弃。 即使没有积极的结果,他们也不会离开。 为了避免您最终成为半途而废的交易者,我试图强调一些规则,采用这些规则将使您的旅程变得更轻松
① 交易中没有绝对的事情——只有概率: 你不知道价格会走向何方。 你不知道这个月你能赚多少钱。 你不知道下一笔交易会带来利润还是损失。 你所做的就是构建概率。
② 供给和需求是驱动价格变动的基本概念: 当供给超过需求时,由于卖家竞相寻找买家,价格往往会下跌。 相反,当需求超过供应时,由于买家之间的竞争加剧,价格通常会上涨。 ③ 没有魔法系统: 但有一个适合你个人的系统。 你可以用任何东西来制作它。 无论你使用什么概念,如果RSI指标在你手中能够产生利润,那就太好了。 如果是斐波那契或聪明钱 - 也很棒!
④ 同时分析较高时间框架(HTF)和较低时间框架(LTF)的图表: 较高时间框架的支撑位和阻力位会更强。 然而,在较短的时间范围内,您可能会发现更好的入场机会。
⑤ The market always moves in two ways:Accumulation involves smart money gathering a large position in a specific asset, while distribution involves selling a substantial position in that asset.In between, there are markup and markdown phases. ⑥ Learn how to accurately identify a trend:A trend shows the direction in which the price is expected to move:Uptrend each low and high of the price is higher than the previous one. HH, HLDowntrend each low and high of the price is lower than the previous one. LL, LH ⑦ Simplicity = the key to success:The most profitable systems are assembled from primitive and understandable variables.There is no need to assemble a sports car from thousands of parts and mechanisms. A bicycle will be enough to help you earn money for this sports car.
⑧ Risk management principles are your holy grail:Many traders have decent systems but a terrible approach to risk management. A few adjustments can dramatically change the results.Personally, I use a 1:3 RR ratio in my trades, but this may vary depending on the trade. ⑨ The trader is at the center of everything:By itself, any setup is a useless piece of shit. It doesn't provide any advantage.The advantage lies in the person who trades the setup.How a trader acts in a situation is more important than any pattern or TA indicator.
⑩ Understand how the market cycles are simply working:Buy fear and sell euphoria, period.Low prices are an opportunity.High prices mean sales opportunities.
⑪ Understand how Fibonacci retracement works:Fibonacci levels help determine optimal times to buy or sell an asset.Key levels to watch are 0.5, 0.618, and 0.786.After a bullish price movement, simply draw the Fibonacci levels from the low point to the high point. ⑫ Be patient:Instead of chasing the price, let it come to a predetermined level and enter a position when this happens.Don't go surfing when there are no waves. Just wait.
⑬ Learn the basics of Smart Money Concept:Smart Money refers to experienced traders or institutions with insights and resources.The Smart Money Concept is a set of tools that can be used to track the actions of major players in the market.It operates on some principles
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