2023 年 12 月初,卡尔达诺的价格克服了每周 0.401 美元和 0.499 美元的两个重大障碍。
如果 0.401 美元的价格下跌,对所谓的以太坊竞争对手的乐观论点可能会变得毫无价值。
卡尔达诺的价格从 12 月 12 日达到当地高点的 0.680 美元下跌了 34%;目前交易价格为 0.517 美元。考虑到 ADA 几周前的巨大收益,这种逆转就很明显,而且这很可能是投资者预订利润和资本轮换的结果。
随着加密货币价格的平静下来,卡尔达诺的价格可能会稳定在 0.401 美元到 0.689 美元之间,所有这些都是重要的每周水平。如果比特币的价格没有表现出任何改善的迹象,那么在可预见的未来,ADA 可能会在上述范围内保持稳定。
在某些情况下,卡尔达诺的价格可能会低于 0.401 美元的每周支撑位。在这种特殊情况下,交易者需要密切关注快速反弹。如果这种情况成立,则在 ADA 推高区间高点 0.689 美元之前,这将构成买入信号。例如,这一举措将比 0.499 美元的水平上涨 53%。
根据 0.401 美元至 0.689 美元之间势头的积累,卡尔达诺的价格可能会预期 0.689 美元的障碍转变为支撑位,这将为 1.05 美元铺平道路。在这种情况下,0.500 美元的收益将达到 134%。
根据 Santiment 提供的数据,这意味着卡尔达诺的 30 天市值与已实现价值 (MVRV) 现在悬挂在零线下方,通常称为机会区。一个多月前购买 ADA 的投资者目前亏损 2.97%,因为 30 天 MVRV 已从 -16.97% 恢复至目前的 -2.97%。这表明投资者遭受了彻底的损失。
The average profit and loss of investors who have bought ADA over the course of the previous month is what this indicator is intended to measure using. A negative value indicates that the typical short-term investor is experiencing a loss and is less willing to sell their shares, which therefore reduces the likelihood of another sell-off occurring. Additionally, when short-term holders are experiencing a loss, long-term investors have a tendency to sell their holdings. Consequently, a rebound rally for the underlying asset is often seen after a negative MVRV value has been observed.
Although the consolidation view for the price of Cardano makes logical, in order to break over the range that was described before, a significant amount of momentum would need to be built up. The bullish thesis will be rendered worthless in the event that a rapid increase in selling pressure causes ADA to break through the $0.401 support level and transform it into a resistance level.
It is possible that this new news may lead the price of Cardano to plummet by a further 23% and may mark the next significant support level at $0.308.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #cardano