









  • 作为加密货币行业的领导者,币安为履行增强数字资产生态系统的安全性和完整性的职责而感到自豪。

  • 作为其强大合规计划的一部分,币安建立了一个世界知名的金融犯罪合规(FCC)部门,由行业顶级调查员、区块链分析师和前执法人员组成。

  • 直接从调查人员那里了解更多关于币安打击金融犯罪工作中承担重任的人员的日常工作。




他们设法躲过雷达的监视,直到 2023 年的一天,警察特工敲开了他们的门,










币安的金融犯罪合规 (FCC) 部门由经验丰富的调查员组成,他们的背景广泛,从技术和银行到执法和情报。

FCC 部门分布在世界各地的多个团队中,在保护生态系统免受恶意行为者和欺诈活动的侵害、领导打击加密货币犯罪方面发挥着重要作用。





To date, Binance has helped authorities freeze and confiscate crypto assets worth over one billion USD in their public and private collaborations to deter malicious actors in this space. In 2023, Binance’s world-class FCC unit responded to over 58,000 law enforcement requests, conducted 120 workshops and training sessions with law enforcement, and completed over 51,600 suspicious activity reports (SARs) – a 180% increase from 2022 – involving sanctions, scams, fraud, hacks, and more.

A dynamic atmosphere

Binance’s FCC agents are not just investigators; they are also compliance experts who must have the right capabilities and experience to balance these two areas. Thus, working in the FCC unit offers a dynamic and ever-changing daily environment. As James from the SAR team puts it, “No two days are the same; there are always new learning opportunities and challenges to surmount, making the team a thrilling one to be a part of.”

Investigators typically engage with both internal and external dimensions of compliance in their day-to-day functions. Team members often find themselves providing vital support to law enforcement agencies, helping them trace leads, comprehend Binance’s records, or resolve issues.

Usually, a request or alert will first come to either the Case team or SAR team, who will then escalate these to the Special Investigations team or the Sanctions Investigations team, if necessary. Overall, the FCC unit contains numerous moving parts, all working in conjunction to secure the ecosystem.

Collaboration is Key

“Collaboration is at the core of our investigative framework, both internally and externally.” – Akbar, Special Investigations

The FCC unit plays a key role in Binance’s internal compliance processes, assisting in cases and initiatives that require further investigation in specialized areas such as sanctions, fiat, and transaction monitoring. Externally, it collaborates with law enforcement agencies worldwide in a multitude of areas, particularly training and solving cryptocurrency-related crimes.

Although data shows that the share of cryptocurrency transactions tied to illicit actors is very small, digital assets may be used in a range of illicit activities whenever a transfer of money or value is involved, including fraud, money laundering, human trafficking, drug trade, ransomware attacks, and more. The amount of fraudulent funds that run through cryptocurrency channels is much less than what is commonly believed, particularly when compared to fraudulent transactions in traditional finance.

Law enforcement agencies often recognize Binance’s investigators for their cooperation, response time, and outreach on cases related to tackling these types of crimes. In a previous discussion, Erin West, a deputy district attorney in Santa Clara County, California, commented: “Binance and other platforms are very open to being helpful, very open to saying, ‘We don’t want dirty money on our platform, either. We don’t want bad actors moving money on our platform, and we will help.’”

Peter from the Special Investigations team adds: “Binance has invested heavily in compliance, and if you ask any law enforcement agency we worked with, they will tell you that they see this and really appreciate the way we help create a safer ecosystem. On the other hand, being the biggest brings heavy responsibility and scrutiny from these agencies and regulators. Yet, this is where we show the way in compliance, which we hope these regulators will enforce as an industry standard for all others.”

The FCC team members like to think of their unit as a force multiplier that comes to crime fighters’ aid with relevant intelligence and expertise when and where they can make a critical difference. For our investigators, one of the most rewarding aspects of the job is receiving recognition and appreciation from partners, especially after playing an essential role in a case by recovering funds, locating kidnapping victims, or helping identify criminals.

Natasha from the Case team chimes in: “By fostering a cooperative and diligent work environment, we are not just serving our users but also playing our part in upholding the integrity of the industry. As such, every team member is both a guardian of our users’ trust and a representative of Binance’s mission for a more transparent and secure crypto world.”

Investigators in Action

Operating on the cutting edge of the fight against crypto crime, Binance’s investigators must leverage some of the most sophisticated tools and technology available. These include a mix of internally developed and externally purchased software for a range of investigative purposes. Internal software is typically used for communicating between teams, analyzing transactions, and examining records. External software is generally used for blockchain analysis, intelligence gathering, and data visualization and analysis.

Given crypto’s round-the-clock nature, the role of a Binance investigator requires being tireless and regularly tackling time-sensitive problems. Charlotte from the SAR team recalls a case involving the hacking of a payment service channel on a weekend when most of her team was off. Upon learning about the breach from a fiat partner, she immediately assembled a task force to examine over 90 suspicious accounts that have potentially received the stolen funds. Charlotte’s swift action was crucial in recovering the funds, showcasing the readiness of Binance investigators to respond promptly in urgent cases, regardless of the circumstances.

Another key difficulty for investigators often arises from one of crypto’s biggest advantages: its borderless nature. Traditional law enforcement agencies are generally restricted to their jurisdictions, making cross-border cybercrime difficult to combat at times. These limitations highlight the critical role of effective international coordination and Binance’s role in facilitating these efforts.

Akbar from the Special Investigations team brings up a notable instance of successful international cooperation. One particular account holder had been the focal point of multiple law enforcement requests worldwide. The team analyzed the account holder’s activity, transactions, and law enforcement request history. Suspicions were further raised by the individual’s vague responses to inquiries.

Following these leads, Akbar reached out to the Cyber Crimes Investigation Bureau of the Royal Thai Police. Upon cross-verifying the team’s findings with the police’s database, a link was established to an ongoing pig-butchering scam investigation. Ultimately, this breakthrough led to the shutdown of a prolific criminal ring in the successful operation code-named “Trust No One.”

Passion for Justice

What drives Binance’s investigators is a deep passion for justice and doing the right thing. One of the most fulfilling parts of the job is the affirmation of positively impacting the world at both an industry and an individual level. Hindering malicious actors, dismantling criminal networks, and upholding justice brings a unique sense of accomplishment.

“Cryptocurrency investigations often resemble intricate puzzles, and our team thrives on the challenge of piecing together information to uncover the complete picture of criminal activities.” – Akbar, Special Investigations

Conversely, one of the most difficult aspects of the job is seeing the fallout of nefarious actors’ criminal behavior. Gaining insight into the devastating impacts on innocent victims can be truly disheartening, reinforcing the importance of intelligence work.

Akbar continues: “Despite our best efforts, the unfortunate reality is that scams still occur. I

热点:币安 生活

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