
2024 年加密货币捐款为何激增








2021 年,非营利行业悄然成为全球最支持加密货币的领域。数百万美元的捐款,数千家非营利组织积极主动地与加密货币慈善家合作。

当加密市场在 2022 年暴跌时,非营利部门开始认为加密慈善盛宴已经结束。在 2021 年创下纪录之后,我的组织 The Giving Block 促成了 6900 万美元的加密捐赠,但随着 FTX 的崩溃,基于加密的慈善捐赠放缓。

Pat Duffy 是 The Giving Block 的联合创始人,该平台帮助投资者向慈善机构、教育机构和信仰非营利组织捐赠加密货币。本专栏表达的观点均为作者观点,并不一定反映 CoinDesk, Inc. 或其所有者和附属公司的观点。


如果有人认为这只是一切照旧,那你就大错特错了。加密慈善事业又大规模回归了。而这种激增的独特之处在于捐赠方式的多样性,而推动这种捐赠的因素远不止 BTC、ETH 等的价格。当前的 Web3 慈善捐赠趋势是在上一个牛市周期中建立起来的,经过了实战检验,并在熊市中得到了优化,随着市场接近预计将打破历史最高纪录的时期,这种趋势现在正走向成熟。

以下是 Web3 和加密社区正在改变非营利世界的一些未被深入讨论的方式。


六年前,当我们推出 The Giving Block 时,我们就知道比特币和以太坊捐赠者会一直存在。然而,模因币持有者的慷慨却让我们感到惊讶。

在上一轮活动中​​,我们认为狗狗币和柴犬捐赠者的崛起只是一时的热潮,狗狗币成为 Mr. Beast 和 Mark Rober 领导的 3000 万美元 Team Seas 活动中捐赠最多的加密货币。但如今,模因币仍然是慈善资金的真正宝贵来源。这一次,一些新的模因币涌入慈善捐赠领域,发挥了重要作用。

Baby Doge 团队已捐款超过 50 万美元,用于支持世界各地的动物收容所和其他动物福利项目。Baby Doge 甚至推出了一个 API,以便从其社区轻松进行加密货币捐赠,因为他们似乎已经将慈善捐赠融入了他们的 DNA 中。他们甚至创下了 24 小时内捐赠宠物食品最多的吉尼斯世界纪录。

Meanwhile, BONK was one of the most donated cryptocurrencies when the price took off earlier this year, as their community immediately turned gains into impact. The BONK community is in the process of developing an on-chain program and decentralized application that allow users to donate crypto to animal-focused charities working with The Giving Block. The application handles the donation process, burns a small percentage of BONK tokens, and matches donations. We’re hyped that a community that’s up 8,000% on their investment in the past twelve months has been inspired to make a long-term commitment to charitable giving.

Quadratic Funding

We’ve always said that crypto philanthropy is a two-way street. Meme coin projects demonstrate how crypto communities grow by funding social causes, creating a mutually beneficial cycle of growing awareness for the token and the cause they support. But these relationships don’t exist in a vacuum. Some philanthropic strategies coming from Web3 have a real opportunity to change how legacy nonprofits fundraise systemically, as some organizations have begun to embrace quadratic funding.

It’s well known that Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin co-devised quadratic funding, which has been called a “mathematically optimal way to fund public goods in a democratic community.” Over time, it’s become one of Web3’s favorite methods of funding projects of all kinds.

In December 2023, the Gitcoin community’s quadratic funding round garnered 2,971 donations from 1,058 donors to fund six projects that will advance the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving work.

For nonprofits seeking ways to engage new communities of donors, quadratic funding presents a path forward, a way to break the mold with traditional fundraising methods and embrace innovation.

In a similar vein, more and more humanitarian organizations have piloted delivering aid via stablecoins, from UNHCR to Mercy Corps Ventures. With each test, the impact sector is getting closer to embracing more of crypto and blockchain’s most promising use cases.

NFT and Influencer Fundraising

We’re also seeing the legacy of NFT fundraising continue. During the last bull market, innovative projects like Women and Weapons, which donated six figures to Malala Fund, which supports girls' education, set the stage for a culture of charitable giving. We even saw major charities and global brands collaborate on NFT initiatives, as was the case when brewery Stella Artois tapped Gary Vaynerchuk’s Vayner3 to launch an NFT drop to support Water.org, a group that promotes clean water and sanitation initiatives

Today, bitcoin-based ordinals projects such as NodeMonkes are expanding the borders of NFT charitable giving. Creators including Jack Butcher have empowered collectors to understand the positive impact they make with each NFT purchase.

我们还看到越来越多的 Web3 影响者要求其社区为公益事业捐赠加密货币。一个例子是名为 Leap 的加密货币 Twitter 名人,他通过以太坊和 Solana 筹集了超过 10 万美元的捐款,用于癌症治疗和研究。


已经有数十亿美元通过加密货币捐赠给非营利组织,随着市场成熟和捐赠者利用其提供的税收减免,捐赠金额将达到数百亿美元。因此,加密货币筹款已成为非营利组织的主要关注点,只要加密货币继续发展成为主要资产类别,非营利组织就会继续押注加密货币捐赠者,将其作为通过从老一代到千禧一代和 Zoom 一代的巨额财富转移而蓬勃发展的战略支柱。

一些非营利组织会发现加密货币捐赠者社区千变万化的多样性令人望而生畏。尽管福布斯前 100 名非营利组织中的大多数如今都在通过加密货币筹集资金,但许多中小型非营利组织甚至没有能力接受比特币和以太坊等主要资产,更不用说处理 NFT 和 meme 币等主题了。

Web3 生态系统中具有前瞻性的慈善家将继续为处于前沿的非营利组织提供令人难以置信的机会。这些努力将为未来几年一些最令人兴奋的加密慈善项目奠定基础。但我同样为那些放慢脚步去与慈善机构会面的加密慈善家感到兴奋。

随着越来越多的非营利组织接受加密货币,花时间向他们最喜欢的组织介绍 Web3 基础知识的加密货币投资者将在推动该领域持续采用方面发挥最大作用之一。

如今,通过加密货币筹集资金的非营利组织比以往任何时候都多,但这完全是因为 Web3 社区的人们不断挺身而出,提供捐赠和机会,吸引他们加入我们的行业。

如今,非营利组织的采用、Web3 创新和牛市条件的三重奏为我们准备了迄今为止加密慈善事业最激动人心的篇章。如果我们继续在慈善项目中创新,对我们的慈善合作伙伴保持耐心,并慷慨地进行慈善捐赠,那么加密货币将继续成为非营利领域增长最快的捐赠方式之一。

热点:加密货币 加密 激增 货币

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