发币就是做项目、交易、发币进行ICO融资。最低起拍价为数千万元,轻而易举就能达到上亿。尤其是在牛市中,人们对新的创新感到疯狂。无论您是价值项目还是欺骗性项目,您都无需担心。销售,说白了,大多数人发币都是为了割韭菜。如果你有技术团队,又懂运营,发币也未尝不可。比如量子链NEO BTM等国内项目的创始团队早就是自由的!再比如靠高铁在牛市中赚了上亿的火星人,现在在澳洲过着幸福的生活!
Blockchain is originally a very good comprehensive technology application of the Internet. Including the current national and local governments, they are strongly supporting the widespread application and development of blockchain.
So in the end, I would like to suggest that all readers of Kanke must understand where your money goes and who gives it to you before moving money.If you can’t figure out how to get your money back? Then don't invest any money.
You are right, but the premise is that valuable mainstream coins will be reduced to zero if they are not worth speculation. Valuable coins have underlying technology applications, and the price of the coin reflects the value of this technology.
If the funds in the background are active, you can choose to speculate in coins and sell at low prices and sell at high prices. This is the most common phenomenon in the currency circle. As long as you know how to be satisfied, you will not lose money.
Currency speculation requires skills
Need your study and understanding! You can focus on coins that are reliable platforms and have the ambition to grow and develop. Note that they must be coins that you think have a bright future! If it is something like Bitcoin, the cost is too high, and you need a solid foundation to accumulate coins. If you examine the developing coins well, Tun coins will be the main focus, and Bands will be the supplement. You need to be cautious when entering the circle and have a good attitude. If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or Heyue, a small move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines your destiny. In addition to having a sharp eye to save time and measure the situation in the currency circle, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will have already won half the battle in the currency circle. !