即使在最好的情况下,创建一家成功的初创公司也充满挑战,尤其是在加密货币行业,估计有 95% 的初创公司都失败了。
随着行业的发展,已经出现了数千家加密初创公司。 根据商业平台 Crunchbase 的数据,截至 2024 年,至少有 2,619 家企业处于不同的发展阶段。
加密货币也占有相当大的份额,自 2014 年以来,已有超过 24,000 种加密货币在 CoinGecko 上上市,但自那时以来,至少有 14,039 种加密货币已经死亡。
区块链分析平台 DappRadar 的内容主管 Robert Hoogendoorn 在接受 Cointelegraph 采访时表示,加密初创公司失败的原因可能是多方面的,从缺乏资金和投资到产品市场契合度不佳、营销错误或产品存在技术缺陷等。 。
根据 Exploding Topics 的数据,几乎所有行业中,高达 90% 的初创公司都失败了。 第一年,平均失败率约为 10%,并显着上升。
“现在将这些一般市场数据转化为加密货币,挑战变得更大; 加密市场波动性很大,我们刚刚走出最长的加密冬天。”Hoogendoorn 说道。
“Web3 中有很多团队都在打造出色的产品,其中一些团队在一次甚至两次熊市中幸存下来。 然而,也有一些组织由于财务管理不善或根本没有足够的资金而不得不关门,”他补充道。
熊市对于加密初创公司来说也可能是致命的。 最近的熊市和加密货币冬天始于 2022 年。在此之前还发生过五次熊市和加密货币冬天,持续时间从五个月到两年不等。
豪根道恩表示,在这些周期中,“投资者的风险往往较小”,这使得企业更难找到资金并维持生计。 此外,Hoogendoorn 认为,“找到适合 Web3 的产品市场并不容易。”
“产品开发、营销、现金流; 这些东西都需要重新发明才能适应 Web3。”
“最重要的是创新的速度; Web3 的发展速度如此之快,以至于竞争对手在几周内就推出了比您更好的产品。 这正是 Web3 令人兴奋的原因,但对初创公司和创始人来说也非常具有挑战性,”他补充道。
相关:风险投资综述:风险投资人正在回归加密货币吗? 二月表明信心重拾
Hoogendoorn predicts that while the high attrition rate for crypto startups will likely claim more businesses in the long run, the natural life cycle will see some rise to the top as tech juggernauts.
“As the industry grows, many more startups will have to close their doors, but some will grow and become the PayPal, Uber or Doordash of Web3, offering innovative products that help consumers reach their goals through smooth interfaces and easy user experiences,” he said.
Market volatility and hype cycles hurt crypto startups as well
Crypto markets are well-known for their volatility, where large price swings help investors create or lose fortunes in a lightning-fast fashion.
According to James Hallam, head of business development at dYdX Foundation — an independent decentralized finance (DeFi) nonprofit — volatility and rampant speculation frequently lead to startups built on unsustainable hype rather than solid business fundamentals.
“Most importantly, the success of crypto startups is critically dependent on the team’s ability to execute their vision,” he said.
“Many crypto startups falter due to a lack of clear direction, failing to pivot or adapt in a rapidly changing environment.”
From the late 1990s until the early 2000s, internet-based companies were the subject of massive hype and investment as well. The sector peaked at a value of $2.95 trillion before slumping to $1.195 trillion as capital dried up and investors left in droves, causing many companies in the industry to go bust.
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According to Hallam, these lessons can provide crucial data for crypto startups to weather the harsh winters and bear markets.
“If teams can understand the lessons of history and prioritize achieving product-market fit over succumbing to the allure of hype, this will pave the way for more resilient and innovative ventures in the crypto industry,” he said.
“Crypto startups should draw on the historical experiences of Web2 companies, which faced the formidable challenge of launching innovative technologies while attempting to achieve product market fit,” Hallam added.
Lack of clarity and experience can also lead to crypto doom
Fraser Edwards, the co-founder and CEO of decentralized data infrastructure provider cheqd, believes that aside from the already mentioned reasons for crypto startup failures, the crypto market is still in an “experimental phase” as people figure out what works, often through trial and error.
Edwards told Cointelegraph that other factors that could cause crypto startup failures include a lack of focus on solving real problems and neglecting revenue building.
“There is still a big focus on building cool tech but without ever thinking if it’s solving a real problem. Often, the tech gets built before any market validation has been done,” he said.
“许多项目认为营销就是拥有一个漂亮的标志和一组有影响力的人来‘推销’他们的代币; 对于搜索引擎优化、内容制作或有效公关等基本活动没有真正的策略。”
相关: 加密货币可以增长的地方:世界各地的数字资产法规
自比特币 (BTC) 2008 年白皮书公开以来,加密货币行业的法律地位一直是争论、法律诉讼和政府不小的担忧的主题。
普华永道 2023 年 12 月 19 日的一份报告发现,有 42 个国家在 2023 年讨论或通过了加密货币法规和立法。然而,许多国家仍然缺乏明确的监管框架。
当一家初创公司向投资者募集资金,结果却停止运营并卷走资金潜逃时,就会出现“地毯拉动”现象。 通常,加密货币的获取涉及出售代币,而在企业倒闭后,代币最终会变得毫无价值。
相关: 生物技术、人工智能和气候技术是初创企业蓬勃发展的领域——卡塔尔网络峰会
爱德华兹说:“尽管这种情况每年都在改善,但仍然有很多项目忽视了商业价值和礼仪,例如拥有使命和愿景、规划长期代币和网络效用、准时并设定商业目标。” 。
“影响上述所有因素的一个重要因素是,加密货币仍然是一个年轻的行业,找到从未在其他行业工作过的人并不罕见。 这意味着他们没有重点关注收入和可持续性。”