到这个牛市周期结束时,大多数人都会损失所有的钱。 他们犯了可以预防的错误,却失去了改变生活的机会。 以下是牛市中需要避免的 15 个错误(以及如何防范):
1. 不获利了结
没有人关心您所实现的最高投资组合价值 -
- 如果你认为自己很聪明或者正在截图来炫耀你的利润,那么是时候获利了结了。
- 获利了结意味着将资金转移到法币、稳定币或长期持有币上,而不是投资于风险更高的项目。
- 制定本周期的退出计划。
在熊市里挣扎了两年,你已经养成了一些坏习惯。 熊市策略在牛市中不起作用。 以下是一些坏习惯的例子......
3. 过于关注基本面而非炒作
牛市是由投机驱动的。 寻找具有以下特点的项目:1) 引起炒作 2) 有一个简单易懂的“故事”——人们能理解为什么未来价格会飙升吗? 太多的基本面分析会害死你。
还记得在熊市中主题如何在短短几天内发生转变吗? 原因如下:个人零售交易环境+缺乏新的流动性=一场快速的音乐椅游戏。 在牛市中,主旋律持续的时间更长,因为流动性更多。 不要轮换太快而错失利润。
过去几周价格上涨了100%。 您认为“太贵”并等待修正。 然而,回调并未到来,反而继续飙升10倍。 因为这是牛市,所以价格是一个叙述。
6. 追逐热点却错过了
- 尽早发现趋势(赶上潮流)
- 投资参与(乘风破浪)
- 逐渐获利了结(在波浪结束之前回落)
7. 没有从散户角度思考
加密推特!=整个空间。 你最终可能会得到太多只有专家才能理解但没有人想要的东西。 花更多时间在 TikTok、Instagram、Reddit 和 YouTube 上并阅读评论。要了解普通人,你必须与普通人打交道。
重点关注 2-3 个主题。 我知道你想“赚钱”,但如果你把钱分散得太多,你就会失去任何“优势”。
9. 追求过多的收益
- 锁定代币换取空投? 不。
- 存入代币可以获得额外 8% 的奖励? 不。智能合约风险不值得。 还记得那些在摄氏度存款并赚取 5% 的可怜人吗? 那是一个教训。
10. 回调恐慌
There will be a lot of pullbacks on the way to the top, which is healthy and to be expected.
1. Do not use excessive leverage, otherwise your position will be liquidated.
2. Don’t try to track every retracement, keep it simple.
11. Over-dispersion
I've seen people post portfolios of over 25 coins online. You can't keep track of that many projects closely. And if one of the tokens skyrockets, you won't get much in return. Concentrate investment. I think 5-7 projects is the optimal range.
12. Trying to "get rich" during this cycle
It's easy to see someone on Twitter making huge gains and feel like you're underperforming. But be aware that the algorithm rewards extreme cases. Winners will go viral, but ordinary people who achieve 10 times the profit will not. What you're dealing with is survivorship bias, fiction, and photo retouching.
I've seen this happen countless times:
- Someone made 10 times the profit
- Feeling that you are not performing well
- Attempting to chase 50 times profit - "If I persist for another 3 months, I will be rich."
- Results in nothing
Profit taking continued along the way. If it improves your life, take the money.
13. You’re trying to capture the top
No one can perfectly capture the timing of the top of a cycle. Many people lose money trying to sell the "top" and lose time.
The solution? Sell gradually on the way up, a.k.a. "dollar-cost averaging."
14. Revenge trading
If I lose money in a poker game, I get extremely upset and become more aggressive in trying to win back my losses. But this rarely works. Don’t do this in the cryptocurrency space either. Lost money? You are emotional at this time and are not suitable for trading. Rest for a few days and don't let the situation get worse.
15. Failure to stop losses in time
No one can be 100% correct.Losing money is acceptable, but holding losses is not. Before entering the market, some conditions should be set, such as cutting off the stock if it falls below 15%.
"But what if it goes higher after I sell?" That happens.
- What if you continue to hold and it drops to 0?
- If you hold it for a long time without rising, what if you could have invested your funds in a project with a 10-fold return? Your funds have an opportunity cost.