








在当代金融格局中,数字资产已成为投资者、财富管理者和财务顾问关注的焦点。然而,2023 年发生的动荡事件,包括 FTX 和 Mt. Gox 等知名平台的倒闭,凸显了安全、合法的数字资产托管解决方案的至关重要性。在此背景下,怀俄明州在数字资产立法方面的开创性做法正在引起人们的关注,特别是其将数字资产归类为“财产”。这一突破性举措为通过信托结构加强对数字资产的法律保护铺平了道路。在本博客中,我们探讨了位于怀俄明州的数字资产信托——加密货币托管信托的独特属性,及其在这个不断发展的领域中的重要性。


怀俄明州已成为美国数字资产立法的领导者。自 2016 年以来,该州已通过了超过 35 部法律来规范加密行业的各个方面,表明其致力于为数字资产创造有利的环境。根据 CoinDesk 的 Crypto Hubs 2023 标准,这种立法热情使怀俄明州被公认为美国顶级的区块链技术中心。该州的法律,包括对去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 的更新以及新的注册数字资产条款的颁布,使怀俄明州处于数字资产领域监管清晰度的前沿。

怀俄明州法律框架的一个值得注意的方面是怀俄明州衡平法院的管辖范围扩大,自 2023 年 12 月 1 日起生效,将有关注册数字资产的纠纷纳入其中。这一扩展确保了与数字资产相关的法律事务得到专门关注和裁决,进一步加强了支持怀俄明州数字资产托管的法律基础设施。


怀俄明州数字资产托管发展的核心是加密货币托管信托,可通过 cryptocustodytrust.com 访问。 “我们 Crypto Custody Trust 的方法独特地将离岸灵活性与境内保护相结合,为我们的客户提供两全其美的服务,”Crypto Custody Trust 首席执行官兼创始人 David Watts 博士解释道。 “我们利用怀俄明州先进的法律框架提供类似于传统金融中心的强有力的法律保护,同时还提供离岸司法管辖区的战略优势。这种双重方法可确保客户数字资产的最大安全性和监管合规性,满足他们对安全、灵活的托管解决方案的需求。”

This trust is unique in leveraging Wyoming’s innovative legal infrastructure to offer secure custody solutions for digital assets. It targets two primary customer segments: B2B clients such as non-US based wealth managers and financial advisors, and B2C clients, including non-US high-net-worth individuals. Crypto Custody Trust’s agreement with SAFE Trust Company of Wyoming, a regulated financial institution, ensures compliance with Wyoming’s legal framework for digital asset custody.

Insurance: Enhancing Trust in Digital Asset Custody

A key feature of Crypto Custody Trust is the insurance of assets under custody, a critical concern in light of recent digital asset platform failures. The trust’s partnership with Arch and Lloyds of London offers a robust insurance solution, providing an additional layer of protection for digital asset holders. This insurance coverage, detailed here, addresses the inherent risks associated with digital asset storage and management.

Target Demographics and Financial Incentives

Crypto Custody Trust offers a commission structure that includes 1-2% on initial deposits and a 0.10% monthly commission on assets under custody in perpetuity. This incentivizes professionals in the financial sector to integrate digital asset custody into their portfolio of services, catering to the needs of non-US based wealth managers, financial advisors, and high-net-worth individuals.

The Road Ahead

The integration of Wyoming’s legal framework with digital asset custody solutions like Crypto Custody Trust represents a significant advancement in the security and legal protection of digital assets. As the digital asset industry continues to evolve, the role of trusts, underpinned by solid legal foundations and insurance coverage, will become increasingly vital. Crypto Custody Trust stands as a testament to the potential of legal frameworks in providing a secure environment for digital asset custody, paving the way for a more stable and reliable digital asset market.

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The post Wyoming’s Trailblazing Digital Asset Trusts: A Deep Dive into Crypto Custody Trust first appeared on Coinfea.

热点:加密货币 数字资产 加密 数字

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