为了与去年指导金砖国家联盟的主题保持一致,俄罗斯宣布取消美元将是其 2024 年的首要目标。事实上,该国准备在今年担任金砖国家联盟主席国。 此后,全球经济秩序的金融现状被确定为最紧迫的合作领域。
由俄罗斯担任主席国组织的金砖国家夏尔巴人和副夏尔巴人首次会议在莫斯科举行。 来自埃及、伊朗、阿拉伯联合酋长国、沙特阿拉伯、埃塞俄比亚和埃及的代表首次参加。
会上,俄罗斯宣布将和谐参与共同努力作为金砖国家2024年的优先事项之一。目前,这些计划正在落实中。 传统上,夏尔巴人会开会协调有关重大国际问题的意见,解决合作中的关键问题,并为即将举行的活动制定计划。
据报道,俄罗斯金砖国家事务协调人兼外交部副部长谢尔盖·里亚布科夫在会议开幕时表示,金砖国家联盟的扩张将使所有成员国受益。 此外,这一行动有助于构建更加公平的多极世界秩序。
此外,俄罗斯金砖国家协调人讨论了俄罗斯今年担任金砖国家主席国的目标。 他表示,重点将是加强金砖国家经济联系。
谢尔盖·里亚布科夫 (Sergey Ryabkov),俄罗斯金砖国家协调人
马朝旭表示,当局还在考虑建立金砖国家中心,合作开发人工智能技术。 金砖国家的这一工作领域在集团内变得越来越重要。
伊朗金砖国家协调人迈赫迪·萨法里 (Mehdi Safari) 与中国同行表示同意。 他还表示,德黑兰希望在俄罗斯担任联盟主席期间加速向本国货币结算过渡。
Another key topic is member-country cooperation in the health sector. Abhishek Singh, India’s Foreign Ministry envoy, and the country’s Sherpa in the alliance, proposed establishing a BRICS single depository of medicines. He also stated that India expects to make headway on the BRICS online database archive project by 2024.
Such an archive will be a great opportunity to access authentic BRICS documents.
Abhishek Singh
During the meeting, Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Ragui El-Etreby stated that the country is ready to participate in all aspects of the growth of connections in trade, information and communication technology, maritime transport, and logistics. In addition, Egypt welcomes Russia’s cooperation as BRICS chair in combating food and energy insecurity.
We are well aware that smooth integration and full inclusion of new members in the work of BRICS is a major step. But we are confident that under your able leadership we will be able to successfully address each of these challenges.
Ragui El-Etreby
Speaking at the meeting, Ahmed Al Badawi of the UAE Foreign Ministry stated that the UAE wishes to share its digital economy expertise with its colleagues. According to him, such interaction will aid in the BRICS’ digital transformation ambitions.
According to South Africa’s Sherpa Anil Sooklal, most industrialized countries and states in the global North have expressed a growing interest in the organization.
We think it shows a confidence in what the association is doing, the principles we profess and the goals we have set for ourselves. It shows that we are moving in the right direction.
Anil Sooklal
Ana Maria Bierrenbach, Brazil’s BRICS sous-sherpa, discussed the bloc’s successes in cooperation last year during the South African presidency: “In 2023, more than 200 events were hosted. “We have made significant progress in science, technology, and health as a result of these meetings,” Birrenbach stated that one of the important decisions made last year was the addition of new members.
Ethiopia’s Sherpa to BRICS, Mamo Mihretu, has voiced his country’s support for Russia’s group leadership, stating:
The Russian chairmanship will increase the influence of our association. We are grateful to have been briefed on a number of projects. This will allow for greater integration of the new member states of the group. We are convinced that the expansion of membership will open a new page in our multilateral partnership.
Mamo Mihretu