最近,销毁的瑞波币总量达到了一个重要的里程碑。 因此,人们对这些销毁可能对目前流通的 XRP 代币的价值产生潜在影响表示怀疑。 有趣的是,Ripple 首席技术官 David Schwartz 最近就 XRP 销毁是否会影响代币价值的问题发表了一些言论。
根据 XRP 扫描获得的信息,目前已有超过 1200 万个 XRP 代币被销毁并退出流通。 这一统计数据仅占目前可获取的 XRP 总量(目前超过 999 亿)的 0.012%。 考虑到仍有大量代币可供使用,很难理解到目前为止已被烧毁的代币可能会对代币的价格产生如此重大的影响。
还需要注意的是,到目前为止已燃烧的 1200 万个 XRP 是自预开采以来已从流通中移除的所有代币的累积总和。 因此,各种代币在不同时期被销毁,销毁的规模不一定很大。 有鉴于此,这可能就是 XRP 社区成员主张销毁 Ripple 的 XRP 资产的原因。
目前,Ripple 托管着超过 400 亿的 XRP。 销毁这些代币中的相当一部分可能比迄今为止已销毁的 1200 万个代币对代币价格产生更大的影响。 然而,Ripple 首席技术官 David Schwartz 并不认为这会带来“任何实际好处”。 他还顺便提到,2019年Stellar火烧550亿枚XLM币并没有对代币的价格产生重大影响。
XRP 社区正在进行关于销毁 Ripple 的可能性的讨论,或者至少摆脱其大量可用的 XRP 持有量。 原因是有指控称,XRP 价格不变应归咎于加密货币公司。 这些指控基于该公司继续在市场上抛售其代币的观点。
However, these charges seem to be without foundation, taking into consideration the fact that it has been reported that Ripple's sales of XRP do not have an effect on the price of the token on cryptocurrency exchanges. Considering that the cryptocurrency company is known to carry out buybacks at various intervals, it is possible that the company contributes to the ecosystem's stability in some way.
It is also not a trivial matter for Ripple to burn their escrowed tokens, as the Chief Technology Officer of Ripple seems to imply in his most recent public statements. In the past, it has been claimed that in order for Ripple to carry out these burns, it would most likely need the authorization of validators.
In the past, a former Ripple Director has suggested that Ripple could easily deactivate the master key on the destination account that is responsible for receiving these escrowed cash. However, there are no certainties that this may serve the same aim as the tokens being wiped out from circulation.