(2)尽量选择支持T+1/T+2提现策略的OTC平台。 虽然售币后现金无法立即提取,但通过场外交易降低了涉嫌洗钱的风险。 例如,交易币安T+1和火币精选(对比免费交易和T+2提现)。
(4)用于OTC交易的银行卡必须是独立卡,不用于正常使用,因此与工资卡分开,这样即使被冻结,也不影响其他资金的使用。 调查一下,现金流很容易解释。
(5)对于OTC交易使用的银行卡,尽量使用当地的银行卡,比如很多地方的城市商业银行、农村商业银行。 由于像工农仲家招这样的大中型商业银行和股份制银行在全国各地都有分支机构,执法部门基本上可以直接冻结。
(6)不与普通商户或普通用户进行常规交易。 如果同一用户一天内间接购买次数超过3次,或者购买几个小时后就卖出,就涉嫌洗钱,这是非常危险的。
(7)寻找可靠的OTC卖家进行交易。 尽量积极接受大型贸易商和做市商的订单,减少下单,避开问题地区的商户。 事实上,作为普通用户,很难区分哪些交易者是值得信赖的。 比如,大量与火币蓝盾服务商户打交道的朋友也被冻结。
(九)OTC交易完成后,请勿更换为自己的其他银行卡,以免污染其他资金,给配合调查带来麻烦。 如果您急需用钱,可以从ATM机提取现金或网上消费。
(10) Try to choose a working day to collect cash. It is best to choose to trade during normal working hours like weekdays, such as withdrawing coins from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.
(11) Please do not transfer money immediately after receiving payment. After selling USDT into RMB, do not transfer it out immediately. It should be kept in the account for a period of time.
The above are some measures to avoid being frozen by bank risk control. So what should you do if unfortunately your funds are frozen?
How do we explain the card being blocked to prove we are not involved in money laundering?
(1) Individuals who are involved in normal Bitcoin transactions and have nothing to do with money laundering and other transactions;
(2) Not knowing that the proceeds from the sale of coins are suspected of committing a crime;
(3) Cooperate and provide all transaction records, chat records, chain transfer records, etc.;
(4) You must be very clear that your digital asset transactions will not be illegal.
In over-the-counter transactions, the bank card used to withdraw funds is frozen by the police and the judicial system. What documents will the other party require the individual to provide to unblock it?
The common information provided mainly includes: complete transaction records, such as bank card transactions, on-chain transaction records, order records on the trading platform, WeChat chat records (including the content of the communication process), and other evidence that can prove the legitimacy of the transaction. Property, even proof of income, etc.
So what should you do if you unfortunately receive black money and your card is frozen?
First, go to the bank where you opened your account to find out why the card is locked and what the authority is.
The reasons for card freezing can be summarized into two categories: bank risk control and public security freezing.
1. Bank risk control. The bank's risk control can be attributed to the recent frequent transfers of large-value cards, decentralized transfers to centralized transfers, centralized transfers to decentralized transfers, rapid entry and exit, frequent night transactions and no balance in the account, collectively referred to as "large-value cards". Unusual transactions. At this point, the bank’s anti-money laundering risk control system was launched.
2. The policeman froze. Often, accounts that received other stolen funds are directly or indirectly related to the case. The public security organs will stop payments and freeze all accounts involved in the case to prevent fund transfers and facilitate case investigation.
How to solve the reasons for freezing of these two types of cards?
1. Freeze and control bank risks
Bring your identity document and bank card to the bank where you opened your account and submit the relevant reconciliation certificate. If there are policy instructions from the relevant public security department, you must go to the local public security department to cooperate with the investigation. If the anti-fraud central model control is activated, the anti-fraud application form must be filled in according to the requirements of the anti-fraud agency, and the evaluation cannot be unfrozen until the test is passed.
2. Deal with freezing police justice.
3 days before observation. See if the payment moratorium turns into a full freeze (with the freeze extended for half a year). If it is officially frozen, please go to the bank where you opened the account as soon as possible to ask for the name of the police unit that frozen the card, the case number and the name of the person handling the case. Then contact the person in charge to find out why the card was frozen and cooperate with the police investigation. After verification that you have no illegal behavior, your account will be frozen.
In general, we should try our best to use formal trading platforms, find big merchants, and only after capital verification can we withdraw funds in batches.
I hope everyone’s funds can be safely in their own hands! Slowly accumulate trading experience and insights in the currency circle. After several rounds of bulls and bears, you will become a multi-millionaire!