每 12 秒就有一个新的交易块添加到以太坊。 这些区块由验证者添加,验证者可以是锁定或“质押”至少 32 ETH(目前价值约 70,000 美元)以换取稳定收益的公司、个人或集体。
Lido 是以太坊上最大的验证者集体,控制着所有质押 ETH 的 32%。 如果这一比例仅增长几个百分点——超过阻止 67% 绝大多数验证者所需的 33% 门槛——网络中断或 Lido 的故意渎职行为可能会对整个以太坊产生巨大影响。
该漏洞源于大多数验证者的“中心化”性质; 实际上,所有验证器都只是加载了几种流行的节点运行软件之一的单独计算机(或服务器)。 如果软件中存在错误,或者计算机离线,或者操作大型验证器的人决定采取不诚实的行为,那么整个网络可能会受到影响。
分布式验证器技术(DVT)旨在消除这些风险。 使用 Obol、SSV 和 Diva 等技术的项目帮助验证者在多方之间分散操作,表面上是为了使验证者更具弹性并减少单点故障的影响。
DVT 解决方案已经被讨论了一段时间,但即使一些期待已久的 DVT 平台最终上线,其总体采用率仍然很低。 根据 Obol 的估计,基于 DVT 的验证者控制的质押 ETH 价值不到一个百分点。
到 2024 年,这一切可能会改变。 DVT 领域的领导者终于对其平台进行了最后的收尾工作,Lido 可能很快会将其部分业务转移到分布式基础设施手中。
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区块链网络的一大卖点是它们是“去中心化的”。 以太坊的验证器系统——根据各方所持有的 ETH 数量在各方之间分配权力——是它保持对中断的弹性并保持“可信中立”的主要方式,这意味着它在理论上不受公司或政府的突发奇想的影响。
但只有少数验证者,包括 Lido 运营的验证者,逐渐积累了网络上的大部分权力。
Lido's market presence grants it a huge amount of sway over how transactions are added to the chain because validators ultimately choose which transactions are written to Ethereum and in what order.
Even more troublingly, should Lido or any other validator ever amass 33% of all staked ETH, it will have the ability to meddle with how the chain reaches consensus. If Lido goes offline or decides to attack the network once it passes this critical threshold, it could, in theory, put the brakes on all network activity.
What is disributed validator technology (DVT)?
The prospect of network attacks and unfair distribution of power have always loomed larger over Ethereum. The ecosystem has historically prided itself on operating with a relatively high degree of decentralization, and it shifted from a Bitcoin-esque mining system to its present-day staking regime in part to help further democratize control over the network.
But as certain stakers – and Lido, in particular – have amassed more and more control over the Etheruem network, DVT has been looked to as a possible saving grace.
"It all goes back to the ethos of Ethereum," said Alon Adir, head of global PR at DVT firm SSV, which offers a network that validator operators can use to split up control over their infrastructure. "People don't want to be dependent on a single entity. I think that ethos is very strong."
While no two DVT solutions are exactly alike, they generally work similarly, by splitting the "keys" to a given validator across several different nodes. A consensus of key holders needs to sign off on decisions over how DVT validators operate, and if one key holder goes offline, others can fill in to keep things running.
A benefit to this setup is the added resiliency.
"Today validators are single-engine planes. If a validator goes down, it's offline," said Brett Li, head of growth at Obol Labs, which is also building a network to distribute validators. With DVT, "It's redundancy. You can have two engines, and if one of the engines fails, you can still get where you need to go safely."
DVT's big year
With product launches and testnets this year from Obol, Diva, SSV and others, long-simmering hopes for a more decentralized Ethereum validator network are finally nearing production.
In November, Lido took a first step toward transitioning to DVT with the introduction of its "Simple DVT Module." Lido takes deposits from users and distributes them across third-party validator operators. With the new DVT module, which is being tested in partnership with Obol and SSV, Lido's third-party validators can become decentralized – blunting the ability for Lido, which ultimately controls its validators today, to exert undue pressure on them.
The ambitions for DVT operators don't end with Lido.
Lido 可能需要一些时间才能将其验证器过渡到 DVT,或者让更广泛的基础设施运营商放心采用该技术。 由大型机构运行的验证器可能会继续完全在内部运行验证器——熟悉保持验证器节点运行所需的软件和维护,并且不愿采用可能影响其灵活性的新技术。
但业余爱好者“单独质押者”和像 Lido 这样的社区运营集体在所有质押 ETH 中仍然占很大比例,由于其简单的设置和意识形态基础,可能很快就会接受 DVT。
“两三年后,你将有望看到三分之一或一半的验证器在 DVT 上运行,”Adir 估计。 Obol 的 Li 提供了类似的近期预测,并表示从长远来看,他预计“80%”的验证器将在基于 DVT 的基础设施上运行。