
Zilliqa 月报 - 2024 年 5 月









即将进入六月份,我很高兴看到最近发布的 Zilliqa 2.0 白皮书和路线图所获得的反响,它为易于使用、快速且灵活的区块链描绘了清晰的愿景。

我鼓励每个人都深入了解 Zilliqa 协议这一激动人心的演变以及它塑造 Web3 未来的潜力。

在实现这一里程碑之前的一个月里,Zilliqa 网络经历了许多重大事件。5 月份,Zilliqa 网络取得了令人印象深刻的里程碑,生态系统中的项目也发布了多项重要公告。

Zilliqa 基础设施团队也迅速做出反应,全心全意地不仅解决了区块生产的短暂中断,而且还提供了与 Zilliqa v9.3.4 的 EVM 兼容性升级,使 Zilliqa 上的开发人员体验更轻松、更方便。

5 月份的另一个亮点是 The Winners Circle 与明星骑师 Saffie Osborne 的合作。Saffie 最近的历史性胜利为这一计划赢得了更多赞誉,我们对此次合作将带来的知名度和参与度感到兴奋。

ZIL 也在上个月在 BitMe 上市,将 Zilliqa 带入了欧洲和拉丁美洲领先的交易所,并允许超过 100 万 Bit2Me 用户无缝交易和使用 ZIL,大大扩展了我们在这些地区的影响力和实用性。

Web3War 公布了其 2024 年路线图并启动了大使计划,而 TokenTraxx 宣布了其会员 2.0 五月活动,为社区参与的用户提供奖励。此外,我们的团队参加了各种活动,分享了我们对 Zilliqa 2.0 的愿景及其带来的创新能力。

在我们庆祝 Zilliqa 2.0 发布并致力于实现项目路线图之际,我衷心感谢社区的坚定支持,以及他们对振兴 Zilliqa 协议和生态系统的热情。

在我们共同构建 Zilliqa 2.0 直观而灵活的基础设施时,我们释放了塑造我们想象的未来的能力。- Matt DyerZilliqa 首席执行官

请查看以下 2024 年 5 月的所有亮点:

人们对 Zilliqa 2.0 充满期待

五月份,Zilliqa 网络达到了一个令人印象深刻的里程碑,总计超过 6600 万笔交易和 500 万个地址。

这些数据表明,随着 Zilliqa 2.0 即将推出,网络正在健康增长和活跃。

过去一个月,Zilliqa 技术团队继续努力构建推出 Zilliqa 2.0 所需的基础设施,并以蓬勃发展的 Zilliqa 生态系统中的兴趣和活动以及对网络新白皮书和路线图推出的期待为基础。

Excitement around the capabilities of Zilliqa 2.0 was further kindled by a teaser of the new consensus mechanism’s performance, with Head of Research Zoltan Fazekas demonstrating the protocol is capable of burning 20 million gas per block with 1-second block times.

The Zilliqa 2.0 roadmap and whitepaper have since been revealed, outlining the evolution of the Zilliqa network as an easy-to-use, fast and flexible blockchain that users and developers can shape to their needs.

To find out more about Zilliqa 2.0, check out the official roadmap website.

The Winners Circle partners with Saffie Osborne

Looking at major projects within the Zilliqa ecosystem, The Winners Circle made headlines following the announcement of its partnership with star jockey Saffie Osborne.

The Winners Circle is a horse racing loyalty programme, developed by Racing League in partnership with Zilliqa, that aims to go 'Beyond the Race' by offering a range of exciting features to fans, from unprecedented access to Racing League events to the ability to compete for rewards in a skill-based prediction game.

As a result of this exciting partnership, racing fans can look forward to seeing The Winners Circle branding prominently displayed on Saffie’s chaps when she races in various events.

At just 22 years old, Osborne is quickly making a name for herself in the horse racing world. Recently, she made history as the first female jockey to win at Meydan Racecourse, securing a remarkable victory in the prestigious Lord Glitters Handicap. She also holds the distinction of being the first female jockey to win the Chester Cup.

Read more about The Winners Circle’s partnership with Saffie Osborne.

EVM improvements with Zilliqa v9.3.4

May was a busy month for the Zilliqa infrastructure team. In addition to the ongoing work on technical features for Zilliqa 2.0, work continued on improving EVM compatibility and delivering general network improvements.

Not only did the team work impressively quickly to minimise the effects of a network disruption and resolve the issue in a timely manner, but they also pushed the latest release of the protocol last month, Zilliqa v9.3.4.

Zilliqa v9.3.4 delivered several improvements to EVM compatibility aimed at making it easier and more accessible to deploy EVM applications on the Zilliqa network.

The upgrade also included a number of fixes for bugs related to EVM compatibility, improving the overall developer experience on the Zilliqa network.

Read more about upgrade v9.3.4 on the Zilliqa blog.

Bit2Me listing boosts reach in Europe

Another exciting highlight from May was the announcement of the ZIL token being listed on Bit2Me, one of the leading centralised exchanges in Europe and Latin America.

This means that the more than 1 million users of Bit2Me are now able to seamlessly purchase and trade ZIL, marking a significant step towards expanding the blockchain’s exposure and presence in these regions.

Bit2Me 上的用户将能够直接从 Bit2Me 钱包购买和出售 ZIL,并且他们将能够使用 Bit2Me 万事达卡购买 ZIL,从而为 Zilliqa 的原生代币带来更多实用性。

阅读有关 Bit2Me 列表的更多信息以及它对 Zilliqa 生态系统的意义。

AMA 和生态系统新闻

五月对于 Zilliqa 生态系统来说是令人兴奋的一个月,许多项目发布了重要公告,Zilliqa 团队参加了许多线上和线下活动,分享我们对 Zilliqa 2.0 的愿景。

Web3War 是一款免费的 Skill2Earn 多人 FPS 游戏,由 Zilliqa 集团合资企业 Roll1ng Thund3rz 开发,该公司公布了其 2024 年的发展路线图,其中包括第 2 季更新和 Roll1ng Thund3rz 将于今年推出的一款基于浏览器的赛车游戏的公告。

其他令人兴奋的 Web3War 相关公告包括启动 Web3War 大使计划,该计划让游戏迷有机会成为 Web3Warrior 并通过加入精英游戏影响者团体获得奖励。

TokenTraxx 是 Zilliqa 集团的另一家致力于创造音乐去中心化未来的企业,该公司上个月宣布启动会员 2.0 五月活动,让用户有机会完成任务并通过与平台艺术家社区互动获得奖励。

Torch 是由 IgniteDAO 开发的智能钱包,上个月其即时取消质押功能得到了广泛的采用,同时它还宣布将在推出时支持 The Winners Circle 的 $HRSE 原生代币。

Kalijo 团队还继续回购和销毁其 $SEED 代币以促进代币经济的发展,截至 5 月底,自该代币推出以来,他们已经销毁了超过 115,000 个 $SEED。

上个月,Zilliqa 团队全力出击,Matt Dyer 和 Zoltan Fazekas 出现在 House of Chimera 主办的 Spaces 活动上,他们在会上阐述了 Zilliqa 2.0 背后的愿景以及网络发展所提供的令人兴奋的功能。

与 Matt Dyer 和 Zoltan Fazekas 一起观看完整的 Zilliqa 2.0 空间。

Zilliqa 产品负责人 Anton Agafonov 上个月也公开露面,参加了由 Staking Circle 在迪拜主办的社区聚会上关于 Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRT) 的小组讨论。

请继续关注我们的社交媒体并订阅 Zilliqa 博客以了解最新消息!


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