美国顶级比特币挖矿公司 Marathon Digital Holdings 正在加大对工厂和公司的收购力度,这表明加密货币领域的交易活动正在升温。
今年 1 月,马拉松以 1.78 亿美元的价格收购了德克萨斯州和内布拉斯加州的两家比特币挖矿工厂。
该公司负责企业传播的副总裁查理·舒马赫 (Charlie Schumacher) 告诉DL News
马拉松拥有充足的资金来进行收购。 根据其最新财务报告,该公司持有 3.18 亿美元现金和近 16,000 个比特币,目前约为 8.26 亿美元,其资产负债表总计 11 亿美元。
马拉松在纳斯达克上市,市值达 60 亿美元。 该公司最近在阿布扎比完成了耗资 4.06 亿美元的矿场建设,并于 11 月在巴拉圭伊泰普大坝附近建造了另一个矿场,以开发该国丰富的水力发电。
尽管马拉松公司着眼于扩张,但它在德克萨斯州格兰伯里新收购的工厂也引发了争议。 那里的居民表示,80,000 台风扇冷却的计算机所产生的永无休止的噪音令人难以忍受。 马拉松承诺与该镇合作解决这个问题。
例如,CleanSpark 本月宣布收购两个比特币矿场,并计划斥资 1980 万美元购买第三个矿场。
“我们在减半之前主动采取了这一行动。 我们一直在四处寻找购买地点。”
如今,他们每个区块赚取 6.25 比特币; 今年春天它将降至 3.125。
“我们在减半之前主动采取了这一行动,”舒马赫在谈到马拉松一月份的收购时说道。 “我们一直在四处寻找购买地点。”
从历史上看,这些都是关键的整合时刻,使得收购较弱的业务时机成熟。 从历史上看,比特币的哈希率(或者说用于维护网络的能源量)会随着过时的机器离线而下降。
Galaxy Digital recently predicted that as much as 20% of the network hashrate would go offline following the halving event for this reason.
That hashrate inevitably comes roaring back, but this brief tightening can wreak havoc on smaller firms without the resources to stay afloat.
Marathon’s two new sites in Granbury, Texas, and Kearney, Nebraska, added another 390 megawatts of electricity — enough to light some 64,000 US homes — to power its mining fleet.
The additional megawatts added here mean Marathon can power even more machines to rake in even more Bitcoin.
Prime mining targets
The types of sites and deals are varied, Schumacher told DL News.
Some sites demand being built brick by brick from the ground up, while others already have a facility in place, and it’s merely a matter of adding a firm’s machines and restarting operations.
Building a site from scratch is more costly, but it means a firm can install its own computing machines.
“I’d be keeping an eye on data centre sites or brownfield sites that are over 20 megawatts in scale, that have older generation digital mining equipment,” Taras Kulyk, founder and CEO of SunnySide digital, told DL News.
“I’d also be approaching teams that have been struggling operationally, as many smaller teams can’t optimise a site as well as a larger, better-equipped team can.”
‘In bull markets, if margins are really big, it doesn’t matter what you pay for energy. It’s about how fast you can grow.’
Charlie Schumacher, Marathon
Regardless of the deal, one thing is clear: Owning a facility outright means a mining firm can slash its overhead.
You’d no longer have to pay out a hosting fee to another operator, for example, said Schumacher. Hosting fees refer to costs like maintenance and housing machines in a facility.
Owning a site also means that a firm can better protect its cost of energy.
If a grid is under heavy use — which is often the case in a place like Texas with hot summers and cold winters — mining outfits can curtail their usage, selling power back to the market.
Energy hedging won’t matter, though, if Bitcoin kicks off another historic bull run post-halving. Following the halving in 2020, Bitcoin soared 600% over the next 12 months.
If Bitcoin goes on another post-halving run, Schumacher said expansion, rather than energy hedging, would be the wise strategy.
“In bull markets, if margins are really big, it doesn’t matter what you pay for energy,” he said. “It’s about how fast you can grow.”
Liam Kelly is DL News’ Berlin correspondent. Contact him at liam@dlnews.com.