
2023 年加密货币和区块链融资:Web3 投资深度报告








《2023 年加密货币区块链融资:Web3 投资深度报告》一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 上

2023 年第三季度,加密货币和区块链行业投资额大幅下滑,仅为 19.75 亿美元,创 2020 年第四季度以来的最低点,创下周期新低。

这种持续的下降趋势是在 2022 年第一季度达到 120 亿美元峰值之后开始的。

目前,迫切需要进行全面分析,以了解 Web 3、区块链和加密货币的融资现状。

本报告深入探讨了 Web 3 融资格局的复杂性,以全面了解当前的情况。

1. 风险投资支持的 Web3 初创公司的融资趋势:概述

该图表揭示了风险投资支持的 Web3 初创公司的细致入微的融资情况。


总额 投资

金额 交易数量

2021 年第 2 季度 $5.8B 549 2021 年第 3 季度 $6.9B 524 2021 年第 4 季度 $9.8B 717 2022 年第 1 季度 $8.3B 797 2022 年第 2 季度 $7.5B 659 2022 年第 3 季度 $3 .4B 507 第四季度, 2022 $2.5B 424 2023 年第 1 季度 $1.8B 418 2023 年第 2 季度 $1.8B 322

市场在 2021 年前几个季度表现出成熟,并在 2022 年下半年和 2023 年上半年趋于稳定,反映出资金和交易减少带来的潜在市场整合,敦促采取谨慎态度。



Web 3 融资趋势:季度概览

Web3 行业在 2021 年第二季度表现出强劲增长,在 549 笔交易中投资了 5.8B 美元。

这种积极的轨迹持续到 2021 年第三季度,524 笔交易达到 $6.9B。

2021 年第四季度出现了显着的飙升,达到 $9.8B,达成 717 笔交易,展现出显着的扩张。

然而,2022 年第一季度融资额小幅下降至 $8.3B,同时交易量增加,表明市场多元化。

2022 年第二季度,交易量再次下跌至 $7.5B,但交易量保持稳定在 659 笔,这表明存在一段整合期。

接下来的几个季度,即 2022 年第三季度和第四季度,价格分别大幅下降至 $3.4B 和 $2.5B,引发了对市场收缩的担忧。

2023 年第一季度和第二季度延续了这种下降趋势,两个季度的融资额均低于 $1.8B,这凸显了今年的开局充满挑战,交易数量分别减少至 418 笔和 322 笔。


Web 3 资金:半年比较

The second half of 2021 showcased impressive growth, reaching 16.7B and 1,241 deals, reflecting heightened investor confidence. H1, 2022, sustained this momentum at $15.8B despite a slight dip, indicating a maturing market. However, H2 2022 witnessed a sharp decline to $5.9B and 931 deals, suggesting a potential correction in the market. The challenging trend continued into H1, 2023, with only $3.6B invested and 740 deals, signaling a significant downturn.

2. Crypto Hedge Fund Landscape 2023: An Analysis

As per the 5th Annual Global Crypto Hedge Fund report, 29% of hedge funds are investing in cryptocurrencies, a decrease from 37% in 2022. The industry seems to be re-evaluating the role of crypto-assets in portfolios, influenced by events like company or project collapses.

2.1. Analysis of Hedge Fund Investments in Crypto Assets: AUM Distribution

The chart clearly shows hedge fund allocation to crypto-assets based on the percentage of their total Assets Under Management (AUM).

AUM Percentage Range Percentage of Hedge Funds Less than 1% 24% 1% – 2% 23% 2% – 5% 15% 5% – 10% 15% 10% – 20% 15% 20% – 50% 8%

The chart data underscores a diverse landscape within hedge fund crypto investments, reflecting a blend of caution, experimentation, and increasing confidence.

Notably, a significant portion of hedge funds (24%) maintains a conservative approach, investing less than 1% of their AUM in crypto. This cautious stance aligns with the overall volatility and risk of the cryptocurrency market.

Interestingly, around half of the hedge funds involved in crypto-assets exhibit a ‘toe-hold’ strategy, committing less than 2% of their total AUM. Strikingly, 63% of these funds boast AUM exceeding $1 billion, indicating that even prominent players are cautiously testing the waters in the crypto space.

Conversely, 38% of hedge funds actively engaged in crypto-assets display a high-risk appetite, allocating over 5% of their AUM. This marks a significant increase from the previous year’s 20%, signaling growing confidence or willingness to embrace larger positions in the crypto market

2.2. Why Hedge Funds Invest in Crypto: Top Reasons

Hedge funds invest in crypto-assets for various reasons. The top three are:

Reasons for Investing Percentage General Diversification 39% Long-Term Outperformance 38% Market Neutral Alpha Opportunities 23%

The majority (39% prioritize general diversification, using cryptocurrencies to spread risk across their portfolios. Another significant factor is the pursuit of long-term outperformance, with 38% seeking sustained growth from crypto investments. Additionally, 23% are drawn to market-neutral alpha opportunities, suggesting an interest in exploiting potential returns regardless of overall market trends. These motivations collectively highlight crypto-assets’ multifaceted role in enhancing hedge fund portfolio strategies.

2.2.1. Hedge Fund Crypto Motivations by AUM

Based on their Asset Under Management (AUM), hedge funds exhibit distinct preferences for investing in crypto-assets.

AUM Range General Diversification Market Neutral Alpha Opportunities Long-Term Outperformance Greater than $1bn 50% 13% 38% Less than $1bn 20% 40% 40%

Those with over $1 billion favor general diversification (50%) and long-term outperformance (38%). In contrast, funds with less than $1 billion emphasize market-neutral alpha opportunities (40%) alongside long-term outperformance (40%).

2.3. Exploring Hedge Fund Footprints in Crypto Assets

Crypto Assets 2021 2022 2023 Other CEX-Listed Tokens Nil Nil 9% ICOs/SAFTs 14% 14% 9% NFTs 19% 19% Nil DEX Listed Tokens 24% 24% 18% Other CEX Listed Tokens 29% 29% 55% ETH 67% 67% 91% BTC 67% 67% 91%

The data reveals intriguing shifts in hedge fund investments across various crypto assets from 2021 to 2023. Notably, there is a substantial uptick in the allocation towards Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), escalating from 67% in 2021 to 91% in 2023. This underscores a growing preference for established cryptocurrencies, potentially driven by their market dominance and recognition as store-of-value assets.

Interestingly, the allocation to NFTs experiences a significant decline. In contrast, there is a remarkable surge in investments in other CEX-listed tokens, skyrocketing from 29% in 2022 to 55% in 2023. This shift suggests a dynamic adjustment in hedge fund strategies.

3. Blockchain Fundraising Trend 2023: A Detailed Overview

This detailed overview explores the Blockchain Fundraising Trend in 2023, unraveling its intricacies.

Months Crypto Fund Raised in USD Value Number of Fundraising Rounds Jan, 2023 $893.57M 120 Feb, 2023 $908.37M 128 March, 2023 $1.31B 104 April, 2023 $953.05M 119 May, 2023 $655.84M 90 June, 2023 $414.61M 67 July, 2023 $723.62M 69 August, 2023 $370.33M 75 September, 2023 $562.89M 99 October, 2023 $444.66M 113 November, 2023 $1.67B 111 December, 2023 $708.31M 79

In 2023, the Blockchain Fundraising Trend has demonstrated a dynamic trajectory, showcasing fluctuations in both ‘Funds raised’ and the ‘Number of Fundraising Rounds throughout the year.

The year kicked off in January with a robust start, witnessing $893.57 million raised across 120 fundraising rounds. Subsequently, February slightly increased to $908.37 million and 128 rounds. March marked a significant surge, reaching $1.31 billion in funding across 104 rounds. However, April experienced a dip with $953.05 million and 119 rounds. May continued this trend, reflecting the $655.84 million raised in 90 rounds. June and July continued the trend with $414.61 million/67 rounds and $723.62 million/69 rounds, respectively.

August saw a severe dip with $370.33 million across 75 rounds. September recorded $562.89 million in funding through 99 rounds. October and November showcased $444.66 million/113 rounds and a substantial $1.67 billion/111 rounds, respectively.

This month, nearly $708.31 million has been raised across 79 rounds.

Year Total Crypto Fund Raised in USD Value Total Number of Fundraising Rounds 2023 $9.615 billion 1,174 2022 $41.86 billion 2,072

In total, 2023 has amassed $9.615 billion in crypto fundraising, involving 1,174 fundraising rounds. Comparatively, 2022 demonstrated a higher total of $41.86 billion across 2,072 rounds. While 2023 displayed a decrease in total fundraising value, the number of rounds remained relatively consistent. This suggests a shift towards a higher number of smaller-scale fundraisers than the previous year’s emphasis on fewer but larger funding events.

3.1. Blockchain Fundraising Trends By Category

In 2023, the blockchain fundraising landscape has witnessed nuanced dynamics.

Month Category & Number of Fundraising Rounds Jan, 2023 CategoryNumber of Fundraising RoundsBlockchain Infrastructure6Blockchain Services39CeFi16Chain5Currency0DeFi22GameFi12Meme0NFT10Social10Stablecoin0 Feb, 2023 CategoryNumber of Fundraising Rou

热点:加密货币 区块链 加密 投资

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