2023 年初,感觉每个人都在谈论鸡蛋。
根据美联储的数据,这种烘焙必需品和富含蛋白质的早餐食品的价格比去年飙升了 70%,一打鸡蛋的平均成本在 1 月份达到了 4.82 美元的峰值。
根据美国劳工统计局的数据,截至 11 月,全国食品价格同比上涨 2.9%。
外出就餐更加昂贵:外出就餐成本同比上涨 5.7%。
奥丽莎·凯利 (Orissa Kelly),田纳西州纳什维尔的足弓箭手
2023 年 1 月 1,110 美元
雅典娜·科尔布 (Athena Kolb) 为 CNBC 做节目
凯莉在朋友家里租了一个房间,每月只需 300 美元,这让她的生活成本保持在较低水平,这让她有空间在食物上花更多钱,她喜欢这样做,无论是为了与朋友一起玩耍还是为了社交机会。
Chabely Rodriguez,佛罗里达州坦帕市麻醉师助理
2023 年 9 月 662 美元
利亚姆·梅斯 |
"I try to save on the things that aren't as important to me, but I spend on the things that matter to me, like food and experiences when I go to a different country," she told CNBC Make It in October.
Though he spends more on takeout from restaurants than groceries to cook at home, Nguonly manages to keep his food costs relatively low. It helps that he works for Google, which offers a key employee benefit.
Nguonly lived with his great grandmother for a year before he bought his home, about 15 minutes away from her.
Tristan Pelletier | CNBC Make It
"The office has free food for breakfast and lunch," he told CNBC Make It in August. "I go into the office three days a week and so that cuts out three or four meals a week or so."
As the co-founder and part owner of Sarah's Handmade Ice Cream, Park knows better than many grocery shoppers how the price of items such as eggs, milk and sugar can have a major effect on your life.Plus, she and her boyfriend enjoy exploring all the different restaurants her city has to offer.
Park outside Sarah's Handmade Ice Cream in North Bethesda, Maryland.
CNBC Make It
"Food is always a big expense for us," she told CNBC Make It in May. "There's just never an end of all these amazing restaurants in D.C. and we always like to go and try out the newest restaurants."
Similar to most people, Park's food budget varies. She said she dines out around one to three times a week, which can add up quickly. During an expensive month, "it could be anywhere from $600 to $800 on restaurants alone," she said.
As a travel nurse, Tucker works in various places across the U.S., often for weeks at a time. But he keeps his roots planted in his hometown of Spartanburg, where he owns a townhome, and the cost of living is relatively low.
When not working or traveling, Tucker likes to spend time with family, play basketball and shoot pool.
Nathanael Berry for CNBC Make It
Still, his food costs can add up quickly when he's on the road and eating a lot of meals out. Last December, he spent more than $1,400 on food while on a contract in Fresno, California. His food costs were higher than normal this month, he said, due to the fact that he was cooking less.
When they're on the road, Tucker and his girlfriend — who is also a travel nurse — try to cook some meals, but their work schedules make it difficult.
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视频 8:29 08:29
这位在加利福尼亚州奥兰治县年收入 194,000 美元的 Google 员工如何花钱